SODZ Monthly Meeting
Monday, January 15th 2017
7:00 pm.
RAM Restaurant and Brewery
If you are interested in grabbing a bite from the restaurant, you may want to show up around 6:00, rather than 7:00. We will be in the upper area in the back.
6632 Longshore Street
Dublin, OH 43017
- Officer reports
- Beer Memorabilia Talk by Doug Blegan, president of the local Gambrinus chapter of the Brewery Collectibles Club of America
- Social hour
Club Competition
Beers 8% ABV and bigger. This is a wide open category where the only criteria is that your beer needs to be 8% ABV or more.
Winner will get a $25 gift card from a local homebrew store.
Bring your entries to the meeting and give them to Gautam.
Next month’s competition, British Invasion, is all things British Isles. For those that like to plan ahead, the schedule can always be found under “Competitions” on the website here.