All posts by Administrator

June Meeting Wrap Up

The June meeting at Restoration Brew Worx in Delaware, OH was well attended with about 40 some SODZ and DOH members. This was the first of hopefully many more joint club meetings with the Delaware club.

The newly opened Restoration Brew Worx is gorgeous and well worth the trip up. They had multiple Belgians, IPAs and a few German and English styles on tap. Frank Barickman gave the most in-depth tour of the brewhouse I have ever heard.

Bill Bopp is gauging interest in a BJCP Mead exam coming up soon and maybe another BJCP Beer exam next year. Contact Bill for more details.

Don’t forget to sign up for the SODZ picnic!

Summer Picnic 2015

Summer Picnic time!

Who is Invited?

Anyone who is a paid member and their immediate family (Significant other Spouse and children).


Saturday, July 18th 2pm – Sunday July 19th 1pm

If you plan to stay over night be sure you bring a tent or are ok sleeping in your car. The cannery is a business and we need to respect their property.


Glass Rooster Cannery
1673 South State Route 605
Sunbury, Ohio 43074

What to Bring

The club will provide a main course, you will provide a side/desert and any beer you want to share. The location is on a farm with a small pond, a big bonfire ready to go and copious amounts of space to hang out. It’s suggested that you bring any folding chairs, pop up shelters, bug spray, sun tan lotion, plenty of homebrew to share and anything else you require if you are a person who enjoys to sit outside, not on the ground and not in direct sun. If you choose to stay the night there will be a bonfire and much more socializing. In the morning we will do some cleanup and head home.

Iron Kettle Beers

Those who brewed beer at Iron Kettle will be bringing their beer to share and be judged. If you were at Iron Kettle an can’t make it then you will need to make arrangements to have someone else bring your beer.


I can’t stress this enough but if you even think you might be staying the night bring a tent or have the expectation that you will be sleeping in your car. What about bathrooms you may be wondering? The club is renting a port-a-potty and bringing large tanks of water for hand washing and clean up.

Sign Up

Cowtown Cup 2015 Contest

Did you brew the Big Brew Pale ale recipe at Columbus Brewing Company? Did you brew it on your own or add some darker grains and make it into a Porter or perhaps it got infected and is a Brett forward dry hopped pale ale or some other mystery beer ?? Are you a love-hungry drifter with the drive it takes to be America’s next sweetheart? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you need to enter the Cowtown Cup!

This is a competition open to anyone who started with the Big Brew wort or made your own, SODZ or non-SODZ member. There is no entry fee, and a prize will be awarded to the winning brewer (Best of Show) as well as hardware for second, third and the most creative brew. Entrants will need to bring 2 bottles to Lineage Brewing Company by June 14th.

Please contact me if you have further questions at and look for further details on this soon.


At June Meeting, June 15th 7pm

Drop Off

Lineage Brewing
2971 N. High St.
Columbus, OH 43202

If you didn’t win I would be udderly disappointed.

“Holy Hop” HOP Off Homebrewing Competition

Hopyard 62 is throwing out the challenge to the mad scientists of the home-brew world. Brew your best IPA and bring it to HY62 on Friday, June 26th at 7:00 PM and we will have a panel of esteemed beer aficionados judge them and crown the winner of the “Holy Hop” trophy. You can bottle it, can it, keg, or growler it. Just bring it!

We will have Cheryl Harrison from Drink Up Columbus, Mike Ford from Grandpop’s Hops, Craig O’Herron from Sideswipe Brewing, and the infamous Tony Tanner giving their ratings on your beer.

Register at If you do not brew please still join us for the festivities as we will be releasing a new Pale Ale done in collaboration with Sideswipe Brewing.

June Meeting 6/15, 7pm @ Restoration Brew Worx


Monday, June 16th 2015 7pm


Restoration Brew Worx
25 N Sandusky St
Delaware, OH 43015


There is plenty of street parking, especially to the rear of the building.


No Food. The restaurant will be closed, but they are allowing outside food in. Plenty of places in the area to get a bite before hand.


  • SODZ Officer Report
  • DOH Officer Report
  • Former SODZ club president, Grand Master BJCP judge and Brewer/Owner of newly opened Restoration Brew Worx Frank Barickman will be talking about his favorite subject, Frank Barickman.

No Club Competition

May 2015 Meeting Recap

Tornado’s did not keep around 25 homebrewers from getting together at Elevator Brewery Taproom. The officers gave their reports and Gautam Bagchi talked about an upcoming homebrew contest involving Big Brew, more details upcoming. We had town hall style homebrew disaster story telling session. Elevator even shared one of their disaster stories, as you can imagine it was on a bigger scale than us mere homebrewers. Vic Schiltz, head brewer of Elevator gave a great talk on barrel aging. Dick Stevens, owner of Elevator brewer announced Elevator’s upcoming homebrew contest:

It’s time again for the Elevator Home Brew Contest! The winning beer will be a featured beer of the month at the restaurant for the entire month of July. July is a hot month, so we’re looking for a good summer beer. Besides bragging rights, the winner will receive many fabulous prizes including a free keg of beer, and a day of brewing at the Elevator restaurant! Please have entries (1 bottle, please) in to either the Elevator Restaurant & Draught Haus or the Elevator 13th Floor Taproom by the deadline of June 5, 2015. Cheers, and good luck!

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For full album go here:

Ohio Hops Bine Training

I took a half day off in middle of May and met my Dad in Wooster, Oh at the OSU Horticulture Research Facility. They have a small hop yard for experiments and analysis and hosted a free hop bine (yes bine, not vine) training event. I already knew how to train bines, it’s clockwise and up (following the sun). However, I’ve been considering growing hops at the family farm in Marietta, Oh and I wanted to check out the yard and squeeze all of the information I could out of them.


The first thing I noticed was the huge 18 ft trellises. The next thing I noticed was the drip irrigation system on each row that was hooked up to a pump (pictured below). On this day, they were feeding nutrients too, just Phosphorus & Potassium for now. They will start feedings of Nitrogen later in the season. Generally, hops like slightly acidic soil with plenty of Nitrogen. Hops also likes lots of water an inch a week but they don’t like standing in water, that is when mold and mildew can set in.


Speaking of mildew while we were training the bines Chelsea, our gracious host found two plants already starting to show signs of Downy Mildew. See the black spots underneath the leaf below. Also, it can dwarf the plant make the bines stubby. This along with powdery mildew and Prohibition is what wiped hop farming out of the eastern part of the United States. Treatments for mildew and pests should be started before you see signs of them, they said liken it to a flu shot.


The question that was asked multiple times, was “What hops grows well in Ohio?” They kept answering with the sound advice of, “It doesn’t matter which hops get the highest yield in Ohio is, if you can’t sell it. Talk to your brewer and find out what varieties they want.” They went on to say that some brewers are very interested in working with Ohio hops and others are not, citing “They have too many other things to worry about.”, not happy with quality and consistency of hops seen so far.

I still want to research further before taking the plunge. It takes a lot of startup money, around $10k an acre and it takes 2-3 years before you see a full yield. Not to mention the constant fighting of disease, aphids and other pests. The upside is hops can yield above 1000 lbs/acre and the demand from craft brewers and IPA lovers doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon.

Follow Ohio Hops on Facebook:
Richard Sheppard

Iron Kettle 2015


Saturday June 13th, 9am
Sign up ends June 9th.


Vic Gonzales’s House
Westerville, Oh

Address will be emailed to those who signup.


If you’ve seen the Iron Chef, then you understand the premise: you will be given a special, secret ingredient that you must use, but how you use it is up to you. Each team will be given the same ingredients kit to review, decide on a style, formulate a recipe, and brew the beer. You need not use all ingredients but MUST use the special ingredient and be sure to showcase it.

Brewers will need to arrive a little before 9am to get set up. At 9am, kits will be passed out and you can start formulating a recipe based on your ingredients. If your team is brewing a 10 gallon batch then be sure to tell the Iron Kettle organizers so that they can be sure to have two kits for you.

Before brewing, each team must give a recipe sheet to the organizers. On it you will name your style, ingredients, hop schedule and any special notes. If you are splitting your batch and using different yeasts and/or dry hopping, list your intent for each of the beers in the notes. If you elect to deviate from your recipe while brewing, see the organizers to update your sheet. Brewers generally will take some time to review their ingredients and submit their recipes with the expectation that brewing will start by 10 or 11am.

This is a fun event to do in teams of two or more brewers. It’s also a chance for a brewer to introduce the hobby to someone who has shown interest in homebrewing.

Last of all rules are subject to change so don’t surprised if someone moved your cheese.

Beers will be judged at the summer picnic for bragging rights.


The kits will be all grain kits (no extract) and will include enough malt, hops and special ingredient to make a 5 gallon batch.


Please bring 2 yeast strains for each kit. If you are brewing with a partner you can have up to 2 kits and 4 yeast strains. If a team is brewing 10 gallons and will divide the beer into two fermenters, which then will be taken home to ferment separately, each brewer is permitted (but not obligated) to use independent yeast strains. This may lead to some discussion on the team regarding what to brew based upon what the two members brought, but each of the brewers must state what yeast strain will be used prior to brewing. You are not required to pitch the yeast on-site, but be honest about what strain you will use at home. You may bring (and use) O2 or a fish pump for aeration.


Do not bring your own water.

You will receive Westerville (Hap Cremean) water.

Do not bring your own water.

Do not bring your own water.

What You Bring

Anything you need to brew. If you brew outside with a burner at your house then you’ll probably need to bring all that plus a table of some sort to drain your mash tun/kettle.

The gear you would need includes but isn’t limited to:

  • Burner
  • Kettle
  • Mash Tun
  • Hot Liquor Tun
  • Propane Tank
  • Spoons, buckets, bags
  • Fermentation Vessel (Carboy/Bucket)
  • Star San/PBW
  • Gloves
  • Refractometer/Hydrometer/Graduated Cylinder
  • Yeast (up to two strains per kit)
  • Aquarium Pump/Oxygen Stone/Oxygen
  • Hoses/Splitters for Chilling.
  • Grain mill.

What We Provide

  • A kit that brews a 5 gallon batch. Kit includes the malt, hops and special ingredient.
  • Water. Don’t bring your own water. If you bring it we will dump it out in front of you.
  • Pre-Chiller Setup

What is Verboten

  • Your own water. See a pattern?
  • Any ingredients other than what comes in the kit. This includes fining agents, and elements to alter water chemistry.


May 2015 Club Only Competition Results

The May Club Competition (Fizzy Yellow Beers ) results were as follows:

  1. Gautam Bagchi​, German Pilsner, Barky Pilsner
  2. Jim Sudduth, Bohemian Pilsner
  3. Brian Gallow, Munich Helles, What the helles?

Reminder the remaining upcoming competitions with points available are Iron Kettle and Ohio State Fair.

Thanks all for participating and Winemaker’s Shop  for their sponsorship!

DCSN22691 SODZ Meeting Lineage  Brewing  Apr 20 2015
Gautam(right) holding the winner’s mash paddle.

Here is Gautam’s winning German Pilsner recipe:

Barky Pilsner | German Pilsner


  • For 5 Gallons (20.82 L)
  • 10.2 lb (4.99 kg) Pilsner malt
  • 8.0 oz (227 g) pale two-row malt
  • 0.7 oz (19 g) Magnum pellet hops 14% a.a. (60 min)
  • 1.75 oz (49 g) Czech Saaz pellet hops, 4% a.a. (15 min)
  • 1.0 oz (28 g) Czech Saaz pellet hops, 4% a.a. (5 min)
  • 1.75 oz (49 g) Czech Saaz pellet hops, 4% a.a. (0 min)
  • White Labs WLP830 German lager yeast (starter)
  • 7 g gypsum


  • Original Gravity: 1.047
  • Final Gravity: 1.005
  • ABV: 5.51%
  • IBU: 36
  • SRM: 3


  1. Mash at 147° F (64° C) for 90 minutes.  Boil for 90 minutes starting with 7-gallon pre-boil volume.  Ferment at 50° F (10° C) for three weeks then let it rise gradually for 2-3 days to 65° F (18° C).  lager for four weeks at 35° F (2° C).
  2. Primary fermentation for 3 weeks at 50° F (10° C).
  3. Diacetyl Rest for 2-3 days at 65° F (18° C).
  4. Secondary fermentation for 4 weeks at 35° F (2° C).
  5. Forced CO2 to carbonate (3 vol).