The April Club Only “Hopapalooza” competition results are as follows.
- Tim McKinzie – American IPA – Mac IPA
- Eric Saas – English IPA – Shit I have to name it?
- Steve Henry – American Stout – IP Stout
The winning recipe has not been provided.
SODZ Monthly Meeting
This meeting will be a combination meeting with our friends in DOH
Monday, June 20th 2016
Restoration Brew Worx
25 N Sandusky St
Delaware, Ohio 43015
Collaboration Brew With Restoration
This is open to most styles, but there are a few rules that should be followed
The winner will have their beer brewed at Restoration Brew Worx!
Bring your entries to the meeting and give to Gautam.
SODZ Monthly Meeting
Monday, May 16th 2016
Elevator Brewery
165 N 4th St.
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Fizzy Yellow Beers
Light Lagers (1), Pilsners (2) and Light Hybrids (6).
Bring your entries to the meeting and give to Gautam.
This years Big Brew is being hosted once again by the Columbus Brewing Company, but this time at their new location. This event is not restricted to SODZ members and I encourage you to invite people who may be interested in the hobby.
Saturday May 7th
Wort will be available from 9am – 11am.
This is a hard deadline anyone who comes after 11am will not get wort.
Columbus Brewing Company Production Facility
2555 Harrison Rd,
Columbus, OH
You will need to bring everything else. This includes but is not limited to:
Anything you need to brew at home you will need to bring with the exception of equipment used to create your wort.
This year like last year you are on your own for food. If people have portable grills that are used at tailgating events you are welcome to bring them
SODZ Monthly Meeting
Monday, April 18th 2016
Four String Production Brewery
660 N Hague Ave
Columbus, OH 43204
No Food
Any beer over 40 IBUs
Winner will get a $25 gift card from a local homebrew store.
Bring your entries to the meeting and give to Gautam.
Well I’m finally drinking a beer without doing important stuff at the same time so I guess it’s time to write a presidents corner! Yay!
So I suppose this would be the November presidents corner right? B4B went great thanks to all the volunteers and a lot of hard work from Bill Bopp and David Curran we raised significantly more than previous years for charity, great job guys! I am predicting a great Christmas party at Lineage with a cozy warm wood log fireplace (TV) and an extra bottle in the white elephant.
Oh that was a fast month of December. Now for the Jan presidents corner… I’ve actually been brewing a bit lately and should actually have some British beers ready to enter into BBF. That will be a great improvement over my previous years of running it when my entries are all 7 days old or younger, kinda helps some styles..
Feb Presidents corner, so BBF has run my life this month but it was worth it. The competition seems to run smoother every year. So far I’ve heard very good feedback from visiting judges, if you have other feedback send me an email and I’ll note it for next year. Unfortunately the pin once again cannot be kept by SODZ 🙁 on the bright side we again lucked out that the Akron winner, Richard Reed, is patient enough to pick up the pin at the Akron Wizard of SAAZ competition in March. It’s a good comp and they support our comps so if your free make it out and hang out at the Akron breweries!
Wow is it March already? This year has gone fast. I’m writing this presidents corner with my left hand, while eating a BBQ chicken pizza and drinking an American IPA with my right hand, sitting at the Gordon Biersch tapping party. Richard Sheppard is sitting next to me, elbowing me and doing his club secretary duty to pester me for a presidents corner. (Is that an acceptable visual for you, Ben Siefker?) Little does he know that’s what I’m doing on my phone right now. And each time he elbows me it causes a type-o, spelling error, or grammar error, in fact his elbow is the cause of every error or factual inaccuracy in this article.
If you envy Richard’s authority to demand articles, or think you can do a better job writing them than I can, or have the desire to guide the direction of the club, or have free time and want a bona fide resume building excuse to go out and have a beer with SODZ guys, please… Run for a position on the board 🙂 elections are at this month’s meeting so there is still time, no campaigning or debating required 🙂
So March is also a major holiday month, personally I’ll be celebrating in whisky (bourbon) country. Without me here I hope you don’t ignore this highly important, beer respecting holiday, even if you weren’t born Irish, every one is on March 17th ;-).
Brew on, stay classy, (I don’t remember my sign off) ((that’s if I even had one?)).
The 2016 Ohio State Fair Homebrew Competition will be held Saturday, June 4 (the weekend AFTER Memorial Day.) Our BJCP-sanctioned competition has continued to grow, with an average of more than 500 beers judged each of the past four years. This year we will be using the revised 2015 BJCP Style Guidelines.
Entry information is now available on the Ohio State Fair website at:
Entries must be made online and the entry deadline is Tuesday, May 17.
For those of you who have helped to judge or steward in the past, I will be emailing you in April. If you have not worked at our competition in the past, but are interested in being a judge or steward, please email me at: and I will add you to my list.
A big thank you to SODZ members for all the help and support you’ve provided over the years. We’re looking forward to another great competition this year!
–Brett Chance
SODZ Monthly Meeting
Monday, March 21st 2016
Zauber Brewing
909 West Fifth Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43212
Extra parking at next door Goodwill.
This is a wide open category where the only criteria is that you make a beer 4% ABV or less. While I realize “sessionable” is technically anything less than 5%, what’s the fun in that?
Winner will get a $25 gift card from a local homebrew store.
Bring your entries to the meeting and give to Gautam.
Officer Nominations are now open for next SODZ year. Voting will take place at March meeting. New officers will preside starting in April. If you are interested in running for office or want to nominate someone email Will Shiel at
Current nominations are as follows:
Vice President