Category Archives: Monthly Meetings

Monthly meetings are held on the third Monday (unless listed otherwise) of every month from September – May.

May Meeting

As you may know our May meeting is a week earlier than normal to correspond with American Craft Beer Week and initiate the week’s events at Elevator Brewery.  Their week’s events are listed here.


Monday, May 13 2013


Elevator Brewery (not restaurant)
165 N 4th Street
Downtown Columbus, OH

View Larger Map


We have a special guest this month, Don Croucher has arrange for Dan Ramos, the Ohio state legislator who is sponsoring the proposed law to increase the ABV limit for beer in Ohio to 21% to come and speak to us at Elevator. He will speak about the law, the challenges, and the opportunities it presents. It should be a very interesting opportunity for us, and a chance for SODZ to develop a relationship with an interested party in the legislature.  We ask that questions be well reasoned, sensible, and on topic (let’s not get to “political”).  Thanks Don!

Our second talk will be by our very own homebrewer-gone-pro/membership director Mike Byrne.  He will be talking to us about setting up, balancing, and maintaining draft lines.

If you can go early I would encourage you to go to the restaurant at 161 N. High Street for dinner to show our gratitude.

See you there!



February Meeting

This month’s meeting will be February 20th at Barley’s Ale House, 467 North High St, downtown Columbus (or maybe that’s still technically the Short North…). The meeting will be downstairs. Typical meeting stuff – meeting starts at 7, but we’ll get there around 6 to get a beer and something to eat. See you then.

Stir Plate Raffle


This could be yours if you come to the January meeting! I’m talking about the stir plate and the flask, anyway (the mixer stays). We’re raffling off a brand new stir plate, 2 liter flask, and two stir bars – everything you need to step up your yeast management. We’ll be selling tickets for $1.00 a piece, so bring a little extra cash and take your brewing to the next level.

January Meeting

The January meeting will be at the Old Bag Of Nails pub in Westerville on January 16th at 7pm.  Most of us will arrive early (6pm) to get something to eat and a beer before the meeting.  The meeting is upstairs; ask a bartender if you’ve never been to a meeting there.  It’s homebrew friendly, but please be discreet.  See you there!

November Meeting

Due to a conflict at Gordon Biersch, we have re-scheduled our meeting to Wednesday, Nov. 16th.  Sorry for any inconvienence.

While the official meeting starts at 7:00pm, we have the back room reserved from 6:00pm on so anyone who likes can show up early and have some dinner or appetizers.  This is the best way we can show thanks to Gordon Biersch for offering us a free meeting location.  This location is more open than some of our other places, so while we can bring homebrew to this meeting, we need to be extra low key about it.

Finally, at this meeting we will be judging Weizens for our entry into the Club Only competition.  If you have a beer that fits into BJCP category 15 (, bring a sample to the meeting.  If your beer is judged the best, it will be selected to forward to the American Homebrewers Association’s Club Only Competition.  As a reminder, you must be an AHA member to enter.

New SODZ Year, September Meeting

Ahhhhh yes, time to stretch and shake off the summer break, and get ready for SODZ to “start back up” this fall.  Of course, we haven’t exactly stopped.  Despite no meetings for June, July, and August, we’ve been busy with the Iron Kettle, the club Picnic, brewing, etc.  The board met up this past Monday to get our ducks in a row, and it looks like we’ve got some good things planned for the group.  Our next meeting is going to be at The Elevator on Monday September 19th.  The meeting will be at their brewery on 4th Street (165 N 4th St) — you can’t miss it; they have a gigantic tap handle above the front door… which is painted to look like a glass of beer.  The meeting will start at 7, but most of us will stop at the Elevator restaurant (161 N High St) around 6 for dinner and a couple pints.  If for some reason you’ve never been to the Elevator, you, again, can’t miss it.  The sign for the restaurant is a ~10 ft tall beer with lights on it.  Subtlety is their signature…

I’m looking forward to getting back into our monthly meetings.  I’ll see you all at the Elevator.
