A big thanks to Barley’s Brewing for hosting our February meeting. 41 members were in attendance.
- Meeting was called to order by President Will Shiel. Will talked about the upcoming BBF competition. We still need volunteers to steward and judge.
- Secretary Richard asked for more articles for the website and started to add SODZ Facebook events on a trial basis. Also, Ohio State Fair homebrew competition is looking for someone to organize sponsorship’s. Email secretary@sodz.org if interested.
- Vice President Ryan Torres confirmed next meeting for March 21. Location TBD.
- Treasurer Dave Curran says some extra money coming in from BBF competition and we have around $7k.
- Membership director Gautam Bagchi said we have about 150 members. Many renewal requests were sent out.
- Nick Filipow from North High Brewing gave a great talk on how to incorporate tinctures into your homebrew.
- Sean from Barley’s gave tours of the brewery.