February 2025 Update

THANK YOU to all who braved the cold last night for our February meeting – our 30th anniversary!

We enjoyed a fabulous evening at Barleys with great friends, great food, and of course great beer! As it was our 30th anniversary, we had some extra fun to help commemorate.

First, we had renowned beer journalist, Josh Bernstein, talk to us about his experiences and his books. It was fun learning about Josh’s journey from Ohio University in Athens to New York to professional beer journalist and some of the fun experiences in between. Josh had a few of his books available for purchase and he was also signing books that we had brought. Josh was super entertaining and he is actively enjoying the Columbus beer scene – good chance you’ll see him out and about!

Next, Angelo – renowned Brewmaster at Barley’s (and all around great guy!) brewed up a special coffee-infused Russian Imperial Stout on cask for the club. Barleys’ Russian Imperial Stout is celebrating its 30th year as well, and so it was rather fitting to have on hand. Regrettably, Angelo experienced some travel delays and was not able to attend, but we were certainly still able to enjoy his brewing talents!

Third, we started to take orders for our 30th anniversary shirts. We have 2 options: a long sleeve black T and also a gray Dickies work shirt. We will take orders until the March meeting. Please reach out to a board member by 3/17/25 if you’d like to order.

Finally, lots going on as the 2025 beer season is off and running! Here are some key announcements:

March 17, 7 pm – SODZ club meeting at 2 Tones. Club competition is Cider and Mead. Super excited to meet at 2 Tones – they do great beers and Anthony and Tony are great guys! REMINDER also – this is the deadline to get your shirt order in.
April 21, 7 pm – SODZ club meeting at Rockmill. While this may be a slight trek for folks on the north side, Rockmill is well worth the trip! Club competition will be Hop-a-palooza (any beer over 40 IBUs).
April 26 – British Beer Fest. Be sure to get your entries in soon and paid to be assured of your spot. BBF will start getting promoted more and more and we want to make sure everyone in our local club has a chance to compete. Also, please consider singing up to help set up or steward or judge if you haven’t already.
May 19 – SODZ Club meeting at Ill-Mannered in Powell. Club competition will be Fizzy Yellow Beers.

See you soon! CHEERS!