Iron Kettle 2016


Saturday June 18th, 8am
Sign up ends June 15th.


Vic Gonzales’ House
Address will be emailed to participants prior to the day of the event


If you’ve seen Iron Chef, then you understand the premise: you will be given a special, secret ingredient that you must use, but how you use it is up to you. Each team will be given the same ingredients kit to review, decide on a style, formulate a recipe, and brew the beer. You need not use all ingredients but MUST use the special ingredient and be sure to showcase it.

Brewers will need to arrive a little before 9am to get set up. At 9am, kits will be passed out and you can start formulating a recipe based on your ingredients. If your team is brewing a 10 gallon batch then be sure to tell the Iron Kettle organizers so that they can be sure to have two kits for you.

Before brewing, each team must give a recipe sheet to the organizers. On it you will name your style, ingredients, hop schedule and any special notes. If you are splitting your batch and using different yeasts and/or dry hopping, list your intent for each of the beers in the notes. If you elect to deviate from your recipe while brewing, see the organizers to update your sheet. Brewers generally will take some time to review their ingredients and submit their recipes with the expectation that brewing will start by 10 or 11am.

This is a fun event to do in teams of two or more brewers. It’s also a chance for a brewer to introduce the hobby to someone who has shown interest in homebrewing.

Last of all rules are subject to change so don’t surprised if someone moved your cheese.

Beers will be judged at the summer picnic for bragging rights.


The kits will be all grain kits (no extract) and will include enough malt, hops and special ingredient to make a 5 gallon batch.


Please bring 2 yeast strains for each kit. If you are brewing with a partner you can have up to 2 kits and 4 yeast strains. If a team is brewing 10 gallons and will divide the beer into two fermenters, which then will be taken home to ferment separately, each brewer is permitted (but not obligated) to use independent yeast strains. This may lead to some discussion on the team regarding what to brew based upon what the two members brought, but each of the brewers must state what yeast strain will be used prior to brewing. You are not required to pitch the yeast on-site, but be honest about what strain you will use at home. You may bring (and use) O2 or a fish pump for aeration.


Do not bring your own water.

Do not bring your own water.

Do not bring your own water.

What You Bring

Anything you need to brew. If you brew outside with a burner at your house then you’ll probably need to bring all that plus a table of some sort to drain your mash tun/kettle.

The gear you would need includes but isn’t limited to:

  • Burner
  • Kettle
  • Mash Tun
  • Hot Liquor Tun
  • Propane Tank
  • Spoons, buckets, bags
  • Fermentation Vessel (Carboy/Bucket)
  • Star San/PBW
  • Gloves
  • Refractometer/Hydrometer/Graduated Cylinder
  • Yeast (up to two strains per kit)
  • Aquarium Pump/Oxygen Stone/Oxygen
  • Hoses/Splitters for Chilling.
  • Grain mill.

What We Provide

  • A kit that brews a 5 gallon batch. Kit includes the malt, hops and special ingredient.
  • Water. Don’t bring your own water. If you bring it we will dump it out in front of you.
  • Pre-Chiller Setup

What is Verboten

  • Your own water. See a pattern?
  • Any ingredients other than what comes in the kit. This includes fining agents, and elements to alter water chemistry.


May 2016 Club Only Competition Results

The May Club Only “Fizzy Yellow Beers” competition results are as follows.

  1. Eric Saas – Munich Helles – Go to Helles
  2. Jim Sudduth – Pilsener – Bo Pils
  3. Connor Misener – Vienna Lager – Take Vienna

Eric’s Winning Recipe is below.

An insubordinate pale lager that’s too easy to brew and even easier to drink. The following recipe is intended to net 5.5 gallons into the fermenter at ~1.050 OG
Partial Mash with carbon-filtered water at 150 degrees
2 lb Weyermann Bohemian Pils
8 oz Briess Carapils
6 oz Avangard Dark Munich
1/2 tsp Lactic Acid
6# Pils LME in RO water for remainder of boil volume (then top up with RO post boil to total volume), add 1 tsp CaCl to boil
Boiled for 60 Minutes, then cooled to 65 Degrees

1.5 oz homegrown Cascade (maybe less if commercial) at 60 min
1 oz German Hersbrucker (2% alpha) at 5 min

1 packet* Saflager 34/70, rehydrated

Fermented at ambient temperature (mid 60s)*. When the gravity stabilized, ½ tsp rehydrated gelatin added a couple days prior to kegging. Stored in fridge and carbonated at set-and-forget psi for a few weeks before serving.     
*= Yep, you heard me right.

June Meeting


SODZ Monthly Meeting

This meeting will be a combination meeting with our friends in DOH


Monday, June 20th 2016


Restoration Brew Worx
25 N Sandusky St
Delaware, Ohio 43015


  • Officer Report
  • Restoration Brew Worx Talk

Club Competition

Collaboration Brew With Restoration
This is open to most styles, but there are a few rules that should be followed

    • Make an ale that has not been made at Restoration Brew Worx yet
    • Use of Dry English Ale yeast or CELIS Wit yeast is preferred
    • The hops and grain selection for the final beer may be changed based on what Rerstoration has available

The winner will have their beer brewed at Restoration Brew Worx!

Bring your entries to the meeting and give to Gautam.

May Meeting


SODZ Monthly Meeting


Monday, May 16th 2016


Elevator Brewery
165 N 4th St.
Columbus, Ohio 43215


  • Officer Report
  • Columbus Craft Beer Week
  • Elevator Brewery Talk
  • Possible talk from Platform Brewing Company

Club Competition

Fizzy Yellow Beers
Light Lagers (1), Pilsners (2) and Light Hybrids (6).

Bring your entries to the meeting and give to Gautam.

Big Brew for National Homebrew Day @ Columbus Brewing Company


This years Big Brew is being hosted once again by the Columbus Brewing Company, but this time at their new location.  This event is not restricted to SODZ members and I encourage you to invite people who may be interested in the hobby.


Saturday May 7th
Wort will be available from 9am – 11am.
This is a hard deadline anyone who comes after 11am will not get wort.


Columbus Brewing Company Production Facility
2555 Harrison Rd,
Columbus, OH


What We Provide

    1. Wort – CBC will be brewing wort for a Northern German Altbier. The recipe can be found here.
    2. Water for chilling.

What You Provide

You will need to bring everything else. This includes but is not limited to:

    1. Hops
    2. Kettle
    3. Burner
    4. Propane Tank
    5. Wort Chiller
    6. Hose Splitters – We should have some however having more is always better.
    7. Folding Chair(s)
    8. Pop Up Tent – If it rains you have two options:
      1. Get your wort and take it home to boil.
      2. Have a pop up tent and brew underneath.
    9. Sanitizer
    10. Food
    11. Etc, etc

Anything you need to brew at home you will need to bring with the exception of equipment used to create your wort.


This year like last year you are on your own for food. If people have portable grills that are used at tailgating events you are welcome to bring them

President’s Corner March 2016

Well I’m finally drinking a beer without doing important stuff at the same time so I guess it’s time to write a presidents corner! Yay!

So I suppose this would be the November presidents corner right?  B4B went great thanks to all the volunteers and a lot of hard work from Bill Bopp and David Curran we raised significantly more than previous years for charity, great job guys! I am predicting a great Christmas party at Lineage with a cozy warm wood log fireplace (TV) and an extra bottle in the white elephant.

Oh that was a fast month of December. Now for the Jan presidents corner… I’ve actually been brewing a bit lately and should actually have some British beers ready to enter into BBF.  That will be a great improvement over my previous years of running it when my entries are all 7 days old or younger, kinda helps some styles..

Feb Presidents corner, so BBF has run my life this month but it was worth it.  The competition seems to run smoother every year.  So far I’ve heard very good feedback from visiting judges, if you have other feedback send me an email and I’ll note it for next year.  Unfortunately the pin once again cannot be kept by SODZ 🙁 on the bright side we again lucked out that the Akron winner, Richard Reed, is patient enough to pick up the pin at the Akron Wizard of SAAZ competition in March.  It’s a good comp and they support our comps so if your free make it out and hang out at the Akron breweries!

Wow is it March already?  This year has gone fast.  I’m writing this presidents corner with my left hand, while eating a BBQ chicken pizza and drinking an American IPA with my right hand, sitting at the Gordon Biersch tapping party.  Richard Sheppard is sitting next to me, elbowing me and doing his club secretary duty to pester me for a presidents corner.  (Is that an acceptable visual for you, Ben Siefker?) Little does he know that’s what I’m doing on my phone right now.  And each time he elbows me it causes a type-o, spelling error, or grammar error, in fact his elbow is the cause of every error or factual inaccuracy in this article.

If you envy Richard’s authority to demand articles, or think you can do a better job writing them than I can, or have the desire to guide the direction of the club, or have free time and want a bona fide resume building excuse to go out and have a beer with SODZ guys, please… Run for a position on the board 🙂 elections are at this month’s meeting so there is still time, no campaigning or debating required 🙂

So March is also a major holiday month, personally I’ll be celebrating in whisky (bourbon) country.  Without me here I hope you don’t ignore this highly important, beer respecting holiday, even if you weren’t born Irish, every one is on March 17th ;-).

Brew on, stay classy, (I don’t remember my sign off) ((that’s if I even had one?)).
