Ohio State Fair Homebrew Competition 6/4/2016 @ OSF Fairgrounds

3-10-2016 12-21-12 PMThe 2016 Ohio State Fair Homebrew Competition will be held Saturday, June 4 (the weekend AFTER Memorial Day.) Our BJCP-sanctioned competition has continued to grow, with an average of more than 500 beers judged each of the past four years. This year we will be using the revised 2015 BJCP Style Guidelines.

Entry information is now available on the Ohio State Fair website at: http://ohiostatefair.com/homebrew/

Entries must be made online and the entry deadline is Tuesday, May 17.

For those of you who have helped to judge or steward in the past, I will be emailing you in April. If you have not worked at our competition in the past, but are interested in being a judge or steward, please email me at: b.chance@expo.state.oh.us and I will add you to my list.

A big thank you to SODZ members for all the help and support you’ve provided over the years. We’re looking forward to another great competition this year!

–Brett Chance

March Meeting 3/21 7pm @ Zauber Brewing


SODZ Monthly Meeting


Monday, March 21st 2016


Zauber Brewing
909 West Fifth Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43212

Extra parking at next door Goodwill.


Explorers Club


  • Officer Report
  • Officer Elections
  • New 2015 BJCP Style Guidelines

Club Competition

This is a wide open category where the only criteria is that you make a beer 4% ABV or less. While I realize “sessionable” is technically anything less than 5%, what’s the fun in that?

Winner will get a $25 gift card from a local homebrew store.

Bring your entries to the meeting and give to Gautam.

Officer Nominations 2016

Officer Nominations are now open for next SODZ year. Voting will take place at March meeting. New officers will preside starting in April. If you are interested in running for office or want to nominate someone email Will Shiel at president@sodz.org

Current nominations are as follows:


  • Will Shiel

Vice President

  • Ryan Torres


  • Carey Hall
  • Alex Aossey


  • Jim Sudduth


  • Dave Curran

February 2016 Club Only Results

The February Club Only “British Invasion” competition results are as follows. Steve Henry increases his lead in Brewer of the Year Standings.

  1. Bill Bopp – RIS – Anastasia Clone
  2. Steve Henry – Barleywine – Barleywino
  3. Gautam Bagchi – IPA – Alans Hoppiness

Here is Bill’s winning recipe.

The recipe I brewed was adapted from Jay’s Anastasia Russian Imperial Stout as printed in the February 2006 issue of the Grain Mill.  Originally published as a partial mash recipe, I converted and brewed the following all grain:
Date Brewed: Dec. 1 2012
16 lb Pale Malt
2.5 lb roasted barley
1 lb wheat malt
14 oz chocolate
10 oz light chocolate (original recipe called for 1.25 of chocolate, but all I had was 14oz, so I added light chocolate to make up the difference)
Mashed at 152F
1.9oz Magnum (12.5%) @ 60 min
0.56 oz N. Brewer @ 20 min
0.50 oz N. Brewer @ 1 min
Yeast: Wyeast 1318
O.G 1.100
F. G. 1.028

February 2016 Meeting Minutes

A big thanks to Barley’s Brewing for hosting our February meeting. 41 members were in attendance.

  • Meeting was called to order by President Will Shiel. Will talked about the upcoming BBF competition. We still need volunteers to steward and judge.
  • Secretary Richard asked for more articles for the website and started to add SODZ Facebook events on a trial basis. Also, Ohio State Fair homebrew competition is looking for someone to organize sponsorship’s. Email secretary@sodz.org if interested.
  • Vice President Ryan Torres confirmed next meeting for March 21. Location TBD.
  • Treasurer Dave Curran says some extra money coming in from BBF competition and we have around $7k.
  • Membership director Gautam Bagchi said we have about 150 members. Many renewal requests were sent out.
  • Nick Filipow from North High Brewing gave a great talk on how to incorporate tinctures into your homebrew.
  • Sean from Barley’s gave tours of the brewery.

February meeting 2/15, 7pm @ Barleys Brewing Downtown


SODZ Monthly Meeting


Monday, February 15th 2016


Barleys Brewing Company
467 N. High Street
Columbus, OH 43215

We are meeting in the basement. Meter parking should be free.


Full menu


  • Officer Report
  • Officer Nominations
  • Tinctures – Nick Filipow

Club Competition

British Invasion
In preparation for BBF this will be all styles British. This includes English Pale Ale (8), Scottish and Irish Ale (9), English Brown Ale (11), Porter (12), Stout (Everything but American Stout, 13E) and English IPA (14A).

Winner will get a $25 gift card from a local homebrew store.

Bring your entries to the meeting and give to Gautam.

January 2015 Meeting Minutes

The January meeting was held at Brew Brothers, 42 brewers were in attendance.

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President Will called the meeting to order. Will gave a reminder for BBF competition. Window closes Saturday February 13th at 1:00 pm! Please register entries and to volunteer on the competition site. One subject of note, Drop-Off windows: these are listed for each of the drop off locations (for a reason), Gentiles is Jan 29 – Feb 13th, Seventh Son is SHORTER Feb 5th – Feb 12th, this is for space and logistical requirements so please DON’T drop your entries off early. If you have special needs you can contact me at shielwj@gmail.com.

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Secretary Richard announced the Ohio State Fair is looking for someone to get sponsorship for category winners. This will involve calling and coordinating donations from various businesses. If interested email Jeff Berry geef24@yahoo.com.

Richard gave a reminder on all the ways members can communicate with the club:

Treasurer Dave reported that SODZ raised $1739.68 from the Beer for Boobs competition and was able to send our donation to Beer for Boobs for breast cancer research.

Membership director Gautam, says we have about 170 paid members.

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Steve Henry gave a talk on Gruit Beers. These are beers made with various herbs and spices instead of hops. Steve had samples of various herbs laid out to see and smell as well as herbs steeped as a tea to smell and taste. For more information Steve provided a list of commonly used herbs along with how to use located here. Recommended additional reading is Sacred Herbs and Healing Beers and website www.gruitale.com

Vice President Ryan Torres talked about the next upcoming meeting, talked about some of the beers they are brewing at Brew Brothers and gave a tour of the brewery.

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More pictures here.

January Meeting 1/18, 7pm @ Brew Brothers


SODZ Monthly Meeting


Monday, January 18th 2016


Brew Brothers
6000 South High Street
Columbus, OH, 43207

We are meeting in the raised area by the hostess stand. Enter the restaurant through the patio and turn right past the bar.

This meeting is homebrew friendly, but be extremely discreet!

  • Absolutely, do not try to bring homebrew through the main casino. There are armed guards that will very politely escort you out.
  • Bring homebrew in a covered bag or container. Don’t walk in with just a 6-pack holder.
  • Homebrew will be placed in brewery area until after official meeting.


Full menu


  • Officer Report
  • Gruit/Herbs – Steve Henry
  • Brewery Tour – Ryan Torres

Club Competition

Beers 8% ABV and bigger. This again is a wide open category where the only criteria is that your beer needs to be 8% ABV or more.

Winner will get a $25 gift card from a local homebrew store.

Bring your entries to the meeting and give to Gautam.

Beer for Boobs 2015 Competition Wrap up

2015 was a very successful year for the Beer for Boobs competition. Not only did our entries increase over last year, the money we raised also increased significantly. With 329 entries this year, it represents a 13% increase over last year.

A big thank you goes out to Jay and Lori Wince of Weasel Boy for hosting the event. We couldn’t do it without their great hospitality!

The competition, in its fifth year now, raised a record $1739.68. This was due in large part to the incredible generosity of our sponsors. This year’s raffle raised $1227 alone. Nearly four times what the raffle usually generates. That may not come as too much of a surprise to those who attended and saw what was available. Dozens of quality items were raffled off, which combined with some premium items placed in a silent auction made for great opportunities for those in attendance. All of our generous sponsors are listed in the Sponsors section of the competition web site. I would encourage everyone to take the opportunity to thank them if you find yourself doing business with them. It makes a difference.

Following up on last year, we had another technical talk this year after the awards. A good crowd stuck around to hear Sara Hagerty of White Labs talk about yeast pitching rates.

I want to thank everyone who volunteer this year. I think those in attendance had a great time and hopefully look forward to next year. There are a couple of people who deserve and extra thank you.

As I already mentioned, we had a great response from our sponsors. David Curran did an incredible job communicating with our sponsors and raising donations that were beyond belief!
One perk we offer volunteers is the ability to bring in entries the morning of the competition. This is a rare perk these days and puts tremendous stress on the staff, especially the cellar. No competition can be successful without a hardworking and competent cellar. Rick Doerr did an amazing job organizing and bringing everything together. I can’t thank Rick enough for his hard work.

This year we also saw quite a surge in mead and cider entries. Thus, we were able to add a best of show category for those. Congratulations to Todd Donnelly of the Cleveland club, SNOB’s, for his best of show mead.

The best of show beer was awarded to Keith McFarlane of Akron’s Society of Akron Area Zymurgists for his Belgian Dark Strong. Keith was kind enough to share his recipe which was chosen by Jay and Lori to be brewed for the 2016 GABF Pro Am. Maybe someday, Jay will brew a beer from a SODZ member. Below is Keith’s recipe.

Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to all the participants. See you next year. Mark Saturday, Nov. 23 on your Calendar.


Belgian Dark Strong Ale
10 gallon batch
Grain bill
22# of Belgian pils. 58%
3# of domestic pale malt 2 row 7.9%
5# of dark German Munich 13.2%
1# of dingemans cara 45. 2.6%
1# of crystal 45L. 2.6%
Added to boil
2# table sugar. 5.3%
Added during fermentation once gravity of 1.035-1.040 is reached:
2# of clear candi sugar. 5.3%
2# of dark candi sugar 180L 5.3%
4 ounces of StygianGolding 60 minutes
3.2% AA. Approx. 15 ibus calculated

Mash rate approx 1.5 qt water/# of grain
Mash temp 152
Mash efficiency 72%
Estimated pre boil volume. 13.75 gallons
Estimated pre boil gravity. 1.064

post boil volume 12 gallons
post boil gravity. 1.085
After adding the 5# of candi sugar to fermenter giving an ideal gravity of 1.103
Yeast used wyeast 3787
Yeast volume 600 billion
Final gravity 1.013
Abv 12%
Fermentation notes: fermentation temp started at 66 degrees and increased 2 degrees each day until it reaches 72 degrees then held there for the rest of fermentation.