December Meeting


Saturday, December 6th 2015


Land-Grant Brewing Company
424 W Town St,
Columbus, OH 43215


There is no formal agenda however bring chairs and if you have any folding tables those would be appreciated. This meeting is a potluck where the club provides the main course and members provide a side or desert. Because the club is providing the main course this meeting is limited to those members in good standing and their +1. Please use the form below so that we know how many people are coming and can purchase the right quantity of food.

Other stuff to know is that we will be in the Brewery (not in the tap room), we will have a keg of beer from Land-Grant and most importantly for some of you the OSU game will be on in the tap room. Let me repeat, if you are planning to watch the OSU game why not come and watch it with us at Land-Grant.

You are allowed to bring homebrew but please be discrete.

Our host has three requests. Please respect their wishes:

  1. Everyone must be 21, no exceptions.
  2. Drinking and driving is a serious and deadly felony. Make appropriate travel arrangements.
  3. We’re shutting down at 11pm.

Dirty Santa

Dirty Santa is a gift exchange where you bring a large format (750ml or 22oz bomber) bottle of commercial beer and put it inside a gift bag. One person starts by taking a bag off the table that’s not theirs and this continues until everyone has a gift. Basically it’s a white elephant gift exchange but instead of gifting junk you are giving delicious craft beer. The only requirements for this are that you buy a quality beer and bring it concealed in a gift bag.

Club Competition

Christmas/Winter Speciality (21B), Belgian Specialty (16E), Wood Aged (22C), Speciality (23, convince us it’s Christmas).

November Meeting


Monday, November 17th 2014


Gordon Biersch
401 North Front Street #120 Columbus,OH 43215

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Full service restaurant.


  • Board Reports
  • Christmas Party
  • Talk (TBD)

Club Competition

The theme this time is Smoke and Roast.  This includes the following categories: Dark Lagers (Category 4), Porters (Category 12), Stouts (Category 13), Belgian Specialty (16E; Must include roasted malts to be qualified), Smoke Flavored Beers (Category 22A and 22B)

Lisa White of White Labs to do Q&A at SODZ Beer for Boobs

Time is running out.

The entry deadline for the fourth annual Beer for Boobs competition is this Sunday, October 26th. All entries must be registered in the database by that date. Please ship your entries to arrive by Friday, October 31st. Gentiles has agreed to be a drop off location for entries, so if you are unable to attend, you may drop off your entries there by Oct. 31st.

Even if you plan to volunteer and are able to get your entries in early, this will help the morning run smoother.

Entries may be registered at:

The competition will be held on November 8th at Weasel Boy Brewing Co. in Zanesville, OH. Weasel Boy will choose a beer from the best of show table to brew as a Pro Am entry in the 2015 Great American Beer Festival!

We need judges and stewards! It takes many volunteers to make an event successful and we can not do it without your generous time commitment. As an added incentive, volunteers may bring their entries the morning of the competition.

Judges and stewards may register at the same web site:

This year we will have a special guest in attendance. Lisa White, founder of Beer for Boobs and vice president of White Labs will be in attendance! We are planning a discussion and Q&A session following the competition on Saturday evening. More details will be available as plans are finalized.

All proceeds from this event are donated to Beer for Boobs, in support of cancer research organizations. See for more details.

A discounted rate is available at the Baymont Inn and Suites. Please contact the hotel directly at (740) 454-9332 to receive the special rate. Ask for the Weasel Boy rate. Do not book on line.

Beer For Boobs Deadline Coming Soon

This is the call for entries and judges for the fourth annual Beer for Boobs competition, hosted by the Scioto, Olentangy and Darby Zymurgists (SODZ).

The entry deadline is October 26th and the competition will be held on Saturday November 8th at Weasel Boy Brewing Company in Zanesville, OH. Register your entries on our web site:
Weasel Boy will select a beer from the Best of Show table to brew for the 2015 GABF Pro-Am competition.

As always, all profits raised from this competition are donated to Beer for Boobs, started by Lisa White of White Labs.

We will also need plenty of judges and stewards. If you are able to help, please register as a judge or steward on the same web site:

See the attached flyer for details.


Learn to Homebrew Day 2014


Learn to Homebrew Day was established by the American Homebrewers Association (AHA) in 1999 to encourage people to homebrew. The event involves homebrewers bringing their equipment to a location and brewing beer while people new to the hobby ask questions.  More information on the event and the history of it can be found here.

If you plan on brewing please be patient when it comes time to chill your beer as this can be a bottleneck at events like this.

What we Provide

  • Cold water for chilling.
  • A place to put your spent grains.
  • Good times.

What you Provide

You will need to bring all the equipment you need to have to brew this includes but is not limited too:

  • Kettles
  • Mash Tun (If you are an all grain brewer)
  • Lauter Tun (If you are a all grain brewer)
  • Burner
  • Propane
  • Primary fermentation vessel
  • Star San or other sanitation chemical
  • etc, etc, etc.


Saturday November 1st 2014
Start Time: 8am
Brewing Cut off Time: 10am (If you plan to brew start before 10am)


This year we will have two locations that SODZ will be doing Learn to Homebrew Day

Gordon Biersch

401 N Front St #120,
Columbus, OH 43215

Brewing will occur on the patio.

Glass Rooster Cannery

1673 South State Route 605
Sunbury, Ohio 43074


If you plan to brew please signup using the form below so that we have an idea of how many to expect.

September Meeting

What? That’s right it’s started again.


Monday, September 8 2013


Seventh Son Brewery
1101 N 4th St
Columbus, OH 43201

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Be sure to eat before you come as Seventh Son doesn’t have food.


Along with the normal club business, we’ll get to hear from these folks:

  • Colin Vent – Collaboration Beers (Tentative)
  • Dan George – Using Home Grown Hops

Club Competition

All categories.

Winner will get a $25 gift card from a local homebrew store.

Can’t see this form? Click here!

North Market Craft Beerfest Volunteering


Volunteering for North Market Craft Beerfest.

SODZ was contacted by the North Market to see if we were interested in providing volunteers for the breweries.  They wanted knowledgeable and passionate people (that’s us!) that could provide the best experience for the people who are coming to the festival to try the beer.  Those who volunteer will get:

  • A T-Shirt
  • Festival Pint Glass
  • 10 Tasting tickets good for the entire weekend.

If you are interested please use the form below!


Friday 9/12 – Saturday 9/14


59 Spruce Street

Columbus, Ohio 43215

Volunteer Form

Volunteering is now closed.

SODZ Co-Sponsoring Battle of the Brew

Attention all Central Ohio Home-Brewers! The North Market is excited to announce the first ever Battle of the Brew at the Ohio Craft Brew Festival. The competition is sponsored by Seventh Son Brewing, SODZ and Matt the Miller’s Tavern. This is in conjunction with the Ohio Craft Brew Festival formerly known as the North Market Microbrew festival.

For more information about the festival click here.

For more information about the homebrew competition click here.


Columbus Summer Beerfest 2014

Summer Beerfest 2014 is right around the corner and they are looking for volunteers.


Volunteering for Beerfest


Friday, Aug. 15th from 5pm – 11:00pm
Saturday, Aug. 16th from 5pm – 11:00pm.


LC Pavillion Downtown.

View Larger Map


Don Croucher will be again organizing the volunteers so if you have a question about volunteering please contact him at Volunteers aren’t limited to SODZ members so invite your friends, spouse and whomever else enjoys beer.


Signup is now closed.