September Meeting

It’s the beginning of a new SODZ year, and with that comes the September meeting.


Monday, September 16 2013


Seventh Son Brewery
1101 N 4th St
Columbus, OH 43201

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Be sure to eat before you come as Seventh Son doesn’t have food.


Along with the normal club business, we’ll get to hear from these folks:

  • Gautam Bagchi will be talking about our new club competition.
  • Bethia Wolf and Jim Ellison will be talking about their Brew Adventures tours.
  • The owner(s)/brewer(s) from Seventh Son will be talking about breweries/brewing beer and stuff.

Club Competition

The first in a series of our new club competition starts at this meeting. To rehash what Gautam already sent out, the competition is limited to members in good standing. Each member can submit one entry that can be in any BJCP category. A minimum of 24oz (2 12 oz bottles, 1 bomber 22-24 oz bottle or 1 growler) is required to do the judging. The competition is limited to 16 entries and the winner will receive a $25 gift certificate to a local homebrew shop. This members-only competition is also part of our larger “Brewer of the Year” competition where members will receive points for placing beers in the members-only competitions, larger club competitions (Beer for Boobs and British Beer Festival), Lucci Cup and Iron Kettle. The points will be tracked on our website so that you can see where you stand compared to other brewers and at the end of the year the brewer with the most points will receive another gift certificate and the title of “Brewer of the Year”.

September Club Competition is now closed.

Work Shirts

If you ordered a SODZ work shirt I will have the box at the meeting.

Support Your Local Brew Clubs

I just wanted to let everyone know about several competitions coming up this fall held by various Ohio clubs:

  • First up is Dayton Brewfest on Saturday September 14th.  Entry deadline is next Wednesday, so hurry and get your entries in. 
  • On October 19th is CMI’s annual Oktobersbest.  This has an entries limit of 325 and they are over half way there. 
  • Next up is our big event, Beer for Boobs, on November 9th.  Registration opens on September 1st.  We are planning a fun and entertaining weekend this year.  Stay tuned for details on this event. 
  • Finally, the SNOBs in Cleveland will have their annual Son of Brewzilla competition on November 23rd, the Saturday before Thanksgiving.  This competition also has an entry limit, so do not miss out.

All of these events needs volunteers to be succesful.  We get a lot of help from each of these clubs for our events, so I’d encourage EVERYone to look at your calendar and see if you can help as a judge or steward at one of these events.  First time judges are always welcome.  You will have a good time.

Happy brewing!


2013 Columbus Summer Beerfest Volunteers

Clear your calendars and gird your loins as Summer Beerfest 2013 is right around the corner.


Volunteering for Beerfest


Friday, Aug. 16th from 6:30pm – 11:00pm
Saturday, Aug. 17th from 6:30pm – 11:00pm.


LC Pavillion Downtown.

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Don Croucher will be again organizing the volunteers so if you have a question about volunteering please contact him at Volunteers aren’t limited to SODZ members so invite your friends, spouse and whomever else enjoys beer.


Volunteer signup is now closed.

Summer Picnic

It’s getting to be about that time to break forth the rhythm, the rhyme and the Summer Picnic.

Who is Invited?

Anyone who is a paid member and their immediate family (Spouse and children).


France’s Farm
Saturday, July 27th 2pm – Sunday July 28th 1pm

If you plan to stay over night be sure you bring a tent or are ok sleeping in your car. The house is the residence of Dan’s Uncle and we need to respect his privacy.


6934 Hillcrest Rd
St. Louisville OH 43071

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France’s Folksy Directions

  1. Just basically take 161 East to 13 North (at newark, go north).
  2. Take that for about 8 miles into Saint Louisville, turn right at Loches Rd.
  3. Turn right at Horns Hill Rd after 0.4 mi.
  4. Go left onto Hillcrest Rd 1.5 mi which is just past a little bridge. Hillcrest is a gravel road you will go straight for a bit, there will be a farm house on your right.
  5. When you come to a hairpin turn up to the left into the woods, turn left here. If you go straight, you will go into a lady’s driveway 🙂
  6. You go through the woods, down a hill, over a bridge, up a hill, when you come out of the woods there will be a sectional home on your right, and a split rail fence on your left.
  7. Your destination is straight ahead through the gate, do not follow the road to the right.

What to Bring

The club will provide a main course, you will provide a side/desert and any beer you want to share. The location is on 255 of acres that includes paths, wooded areas a pond and copious amounts of space to hang out. It’s suggested that you bring any folding chairs, pop up shelters and anything else you require if you are a person who enjoys to sit outside, not on the ground and not in direct sun. If you choose to stay the night there will be a bonfire and much more socializing. In the morning we will do some cleanup and head home.

Iron Kettle Beers

Those who brewed beer at Iron Kettle will be bringing their beer to share and be judged. If you were at Iron Kettle an can’t make it then you will need to make arrangements to have someone else bring your beer.


I can’t stress this enough but if you even think you might be staying the night bring a tent or have the expectation that you will be sleeping in your car. What about bathrooms you may be wondering? There are bathrooms a little off from the house with with all the wonderful flowing water your heart could desire.

Iron Kettle 2013 Followup

I wanted to throw out a big thank you to Dan and Amanda for hosting Iron Kettle again. I also want to thank Vic and Dan for organizing the event, coming up with the recipe and secret ingredient for this years Iron Kettle. We had 7 brewers, 2 dogs, one secret ingredient (oysters!) and a damn good time.

Those who brewed at Iron Kettle will be bringing their beers to the summer picnic where they will be judged to see who will be this years Iron King. To the brewers who came out, remember you MUST bring your beer to the summer picnic regardless of how “interesting” it came out.

Pictures from the event can be found below:

Iron Kettle Pictures

Iron Kettle 2013


Saturday June 8th


Dan France’s House

Address will be emailed to those who signup.


If you’ve seen the Iron Chef, then you understand the premise: you will be given a special, secret ingredient that you must use, but how you use it is up to you. Each team will be given the same ingredients kit to review, decide on a style, formulate a recipe, and brew the beer. You need not use all ingredients but MUST use the special ingredient and be sure to showcase it.

Brewers will need to arrive a little before 9am to get set up. At 9am, kits will be passed out and you can start formulating a recipe based on your ingredients. If your team is brewing a 10 gallon batch then be sure to tell the Iron Kettle organizers (Vic Gonzales/Dan France) so that they can be sure to have two kits for you.

Before brewing, each team must give a recipe sheet to the organizers. On it you will name your style, ingredients, hop schedule and any special notes. If you are splitting your batch and using different yeasts and/or dry hopping, list your intent for each of the beers in the notes. If you elect to deviate from your recipe while brewing, see the organizers to update your sheet. Brewers generally will take some time to review their ingredients and submit their recipes with the expectation that brewing will start by 10 or 11am.

This is a fun event to do in teams of two or more brewers. It’s also a chance for a brewer to introduce the hobby to someone who has shown interest in homebrewing.

Last of all rules are subject to change so don’t surprised if someone moved your cheese.

Beers will be judged at the summer picnic for bragging rights.


The kits will be all grain kits (no extract) and will include enough malt, hops and special ingredient to make a 5 gallon batch.


Please bring 2 yeast strains for each kit. If you are brewing with a partner you can have up to 2 kits and 4 yeast strains. If a team is brewing 10 gallons and will divide the beer into two fermenters, which then will be taken home to ferment separately, each brewer is permitted (but not obligated) to use independent yeast strains. This may lead to some discussion on the team regarding what to brew based upon what the two members brought, but each of the brewers must state what yeast strain will be used prior to brewing. You are not required to pitch the yeast on-site, but be honest about what strain you will use at home. You may bring (and use) O2 or a fish pump for aeration.


Do not bring your own water.

You will receive Hilliard water is on the soft side of city waters (Alkalinity of ~54 mo/L).

Do not bring your own water.

Do not bring your own water.

What You Bring

Anything you need to brew. If you brew outside with a burner at your house then you’ll probably need to bring all that plus a table of some sort to drain your mash tun/kettle.

The gear you would need includes but isn’t limited to:

  • Burner
  • Kettle
  • Mash Tun
  • Hot Liquor Tun
  • Propane Tank
  • Spoons, buckets, bags
  • Fermentation Vessel (Carboy/Bucket)
  • Star San/PBW
  • Gloves
  • Refractometer/Hydrometer/Graduated Cylinder
  • Yeast (up to two strains per kit)
  • Aquarium Pump/Oxygen Stone/Oxygen
  • Hoses/Splitters for Chilling.
  • Grain mill.

What We Provide

  • A kit that brews a 5 gallon batch. Kit includes the malt, hops and special ingredient.
  • Water. Don’t bring your own water. If you bring it we will dump it out in front of you.
  • Pre-Chiller Setup

What is Verboten

    • Your own water. See a pattern?
    • Any ingredients other than what comes in the kit. This includes fining agents, and elements to alter water chemistry.


May Meeting

As you may know our May meeting is a week earlier than normal to correspond with American Craft Beer Week and initiate the week’s events at Elevator Brewery.  Their week’s events are listed here.


Monday, May 13 2013


Elevator Brewery (not restaurant)
165 N 4th Street
Downtown Columbus, OH

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We have a special guest this month, Don Croucher has arrange for Dan Ramos, the Ohio state legislator who is sponsoring the proposed law to increase the ABV limit for beer in Ohio to 21% to come and speak to us at Elevator. He will speak about the law, the challenges, and the opportunities it presents. It should be a very interesting opportunity for us, and a chance for SODZ to develop a relationship with an interested party in the legislature.  We ask that questions be well reasoned, sensible, and on topic (let’s not get to “political”).  Thanks Don!

Our second talk will be by our very own homebrewer-gone-pro/membership director Mike Byrne.  He will be talking to us about setting up, balancing, and maintaining draft lines.

If you can go early I would encourage you to go to the restaurant at 161 N. High Street for dinner to show our gratitude.

See you there!



NHC Big Brew 2013

This years Big Brew is being hosted by the Columbus Brewing Company.  This event is not restricted to SODZ members and I encourage you to invite people who may be interested in the hobby.  Please signup using the form found at the bottom of the page so that we have a rough idea of how many to expect.


Saturday May 4th
Wort will be available from 9am – 11am.
This is a hard deadline anyone who comes after 11am will not get wort.


525 Short St,
Columbus, OH

The Columbus Half Marathon is happening on the same day so if you try to get to CBC using High St you will be less than happy. Please see the map below for an alternate route.

View Alternate Directions to CBC in a map.

What We Provide

    1. Wort – CBC will be brewing wort for a Belgian Blonde. The recipe can be found here.
    2. Water for chilling.

What You Provide

You will need to bring everything else. This includes but is not limited to:

    1. Hops – Even though the wort is for a Belgian Blonde you can hop it anyway you like. What makes a Belgian beer a Belgian beer comes mostly from the yeast.
    2. Kettle
    3. Burner
    4. Propane Tank
    5. Wort Chiller
    6. Hose Splitters – We should have some however having more is always better.
    7. Folding Chair(s)
    8. Pop Up Tent – If it rains you have two options:
      1. Get your wort and take it home to boil.
      2. Have a pop up tent and brew underneath.
    9. Sanitizer
    10. Side Dish
    11. Etc, etc

Anything you need to brew at home you will need to bring with the exception of equipment used to create your wort.


In years past there was a roasted pig provided. This year we were unable to do that but a Food Truck/Cart is being lined up to provide food for anyone who is hungry. The truck/cart will be there from 10am – 12pm and the name of the truck will be provided when we know what it is.


NHC First Round Volunteering

April 19th – April 21st we will be hosting the first round judging for NHC at Weasel Boy.  We still need volunteers to be stewards, judges, cellar masters/monkeys, etc, etc.

If you have sometime and would like to volunteer please go to this page and sign up.




126 Muskingum Ave
Zanesville, OH 43701

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However much time you can give is appreciated.  If you can only help out Friday night that’s great! Friday and Saturday?  Even better.

April Meeting

I am pleased to announce that our April meeting will be the 15th at Barley’s Smokehouse (mmmm brisket)!

The meeting will start at 7 as usual but you are encouraged to come early and grab some food as usual, the room should be available to us starting around 6 pm.


Barleys Smokehouse
1130 Dublin Rd
Columbus, OH 43215

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  • Competition Day: Bill Bopp
  • Coffee/+Beer: Me

I will also have score sheets from BBF and awards for those who haven’t claimed them.
