All posts by Administrator

April 2015 Club Only Results

Better late than never.. again! The April Club Competition (Hopapalooza) results were as follows:

  1. 1st Brian Gallow​, Citra IPA
  2. 2nd Will Shiel​, Session IPA
  3. 3rd Justin Molenaur​, IP Lager, du hops

There were 9 entries in last month’s competition. Look for Brian’s Citra IPA recipe on our website.

Reminder the May Club Competition (Tomorrow May 11, 7pm Elevator 13th floor taproom) is Fizzy Yellow Beers – Light Lagers (1), Pilsners (2) and Light Hybrids (6). Signup here

Thanks all for participating and Buckeye Brewcraft for their sponsorship!

DCSN22691 SODZ Meeting Lineage  Brewing  Apr 20 2015 Brian (left) holding the winner’s mash paddle.

May Meeting 5/11, 7pm at Elevator 13th Floor Tap Room


Monday, May 11th 2015 7pm


Elevator 13th Floor Tap Room (Not the Restaurant)
165 N 4th St
Columbus, OH 43215


No Food. Please, consider eating at the Elevator restaurant on 161 N. High Street


  • Brewing Disasters
  • Elevator Tour and Talk

Club Competition

Fizzy Yellow Beer – Light Lagers (1), Pilsners (2) and Light Hybrids (6).

The winner will receive a $25 gift certificate.

Can’t see this form? Click here!

Swap Meet 5/23, 10am-2pm @ Actual Brewing

The SODZ swap meet returns for a great chance to do some spring cleaning, or acquire more equipment. The swap meet is a garage sale/swap style gathering where you can bring equipment you no longer need and trade or sell it to someone that does.

When: Saturday May 23rd, 10am-2pm, rain or shine.
Where: Actual Brewing Company, 655 N. James Rd. Columbus, OH. 43229

If you are bringing equipment to swap or sell, try to bring a folding table too. If you don’t have equipment, come anyways and find something you never knew you needed!

SODZ will be grilling up burgers and dogs, please bring a side to share. ABC is homebrew friendly if you want to share.

You can park in the front, or around the back by the dock doors for easy unloading. Please note that the ABC taproom is open from 12pm-5pm, so please respect their space and customers, and purchase a few great pints as well to thank them!

Sign up below if you are coming so we know how much food to bring.

Please note that SODZ does not mediate disputes over transactions or refunds. Mike Beargie will be at the May 11th, 2015 SODZ meeting to answer any questions

April Meeting 4/20, 7pm @ Lineage Brewing


Monday, April 20th 2015 7pm


Lineage Brewing
2971 N. High St.
Columbus, OH 43202


No Food. Since the kitchen is closed Lineage is allowing outside food.
Food places close to Lineage:

  • O’Reillys – It’s a bar but it has pretty good Burgers.
  • Hound Dogs – Greasy delicious pizza.
  • Aladdin’s – Mediterranean food.
  • Lavash – Mediterranean food.
  • Local Cantina – Cheap tacos.
  • Gatto’s Pizza – Pizza place across the street.
  • Harvest – Pizza, sandwiches, awesome food.
  • Acre – Tasty healthy food. A lot like Northstar but cheaper.
  • Northstar – Further north by Henderson on High St. but delicious.
  • The Crest
  • La Patrona – Mexican Food like El Vaquero.
  • Lucky Dragon – Chinese place.


  • Officer Report
  • Lineage Tour and Talk

Club Competition

Hopapalooza. Any beer over 40 IBUs.

The winner will receive a $25 gift certificate.

Can’t see this form? Click here!

AHA Big Brew 5/2 @ CBC

This years Big Brew is being hosted by the Columbus Brewing Company.  This event is not restricted to SODZ members and I encourage you to invite people who may be interested in the hobby.


Saturday May 2nd
Wort will be available from 9am – 11am.
This is a hard deadline anyone who comes after 11am will not get wort.


525 Short St,
Columbus, OH

The Columbus Half Marathon is happening on the same day so if you try to get to CBC using High St you will be less than happy. Please see the map below for an alternate route.

View Alternate Directions to CBC in a map.

What We Provide

    1. Wort – CBC will be brewing wort for an American Pale Ale. The recipe can be found here.
    2. Water for chilling.

What You Provide

You will need to bring everything else. This includes but is not limited to:

    1. Hops
    2. Kettle
    3. Burner
    4. Propane Tank
    5. Wort Chiller
    6. Hose Splitters – We should have some however having more is always better.
    7. Folding Chair(s)
    8. Pop Up Tent – If it rains you have two options:
      1. Get your wort and take it home to boil.
      2. Have a pop up tent and brew underneath.
    9. Sanitizer
    10. Food
    11. Etc, etc

Anything you need to brew at home you will need to bring with the exception of equipment used to create your wort.


This year like last year you are on your own for food. If people have portable grills that are used at tailgating events you are welcome to bring them.


Please RSVP below so that we have a rough number of who is coming.

Can’t see the form below? Click here!

Lucci Cup Update and Recipe

Here is A recipe for Southern English Brown which you can use for the Lucci Cup Challenge. This is not a required recipe just an option. For those unfamiliar with the Lucci Cup, it was started many years ago by our club’s very own Susan Lucci (AKA Frank Barickman) to give him a chance to win… or something like that… anyways, now a days it’s a challange/call to flex your brewing muscle where everyone can compete head to head in a predetermined style. You can brew whatever recipe you want, if you think you have one better, or you can brew the one listed here. Time to step up and brew!

1. Brew any Southern English Brown (here on refereed to as SEB) recipe you like and enter it into the 2015 SODZ BBF as a Southern English Brown.
2. Talk smack about how great your brewing is.
3. Winner will be the beer which wins the stand alone SEB category.

Ok so there it is. Who thinks they have skills?

And here is the promised recipe:
OG 1.041 ABV 3.8% IBU: 17
Yeast: WLP002, Wyeast 1968, or Safale S-04, fermented at 68F

for 6 gal
60 min: .85 oz East Kent Goldings 5% AA
Grain (all-grain version, mashed at 153F)
6.9 lbs Marris Otter
1 lb crystal 80
10 oz crystal 120
8 oz special roast
6 oz pale chocolate
4 oz carafa special II

Extract option; replace the 6.9 lbs of Marris Otter with 5 lbs English Pale LME or Marris Otter LME

Will Shiel
Vice President
BBF Competition Organizer

Iron Kettle 2013


Saturday June 8th


Dan France’s House

Address will be emailed to those who signup.


If you’ve seen the Iron Chef, then you understand the premise: you will be given a special, secret ingredient that you must use, but how you use it is up to you. Each team will be given the same ingredients kit to review, decide on a style, formulate a recipe, and brew the beer. You need not use all ingredients but MUST use the special ingredient and be sure to showcase it.

Brewers will need to arrive a little before 9am to get set up. At 9am, kits will be passed out and you can start formulating a recipe based on your ingredients. If your team is brewing a 10 gallon batch then be sure to tell the Iron Kettle organizers (Vic Gonzales/Dan France) so that they can be sure to have two kits for you.

Before brewing, each team must give a recipe sheet to the organizers. On it you will name your style, ingredients, hop schedule and any special notes. If you are splitting your batch and using different yeasts and/or dry hopping, list your intent for each of the beers in the notes. If you elect to deviate from your recipe while brewing, see the organizers to update your sheet. Brewers generally will take some time to review their ingredients and submit their recipes with the expectation that brewing will start by 10 or 11am.

This is a fun event to do in teams of two or more brewers. It’s also a chance for a brewer to introduce the hobby to someone who has shown interest in homebrewing.

Last of all rules are subject to change so don’t surprised if someone moved your cheese.

Beers will be judged at the summer picnic for bragging rights.


The kits will be all grain kits (no extract) and will include enough malt, hops and special ingredient to make a 5 gallon batch.


Please bring 2 yeast strains for each kit. If you are brewing with a partner you can have up to 2 kits and 4 yeast strains. If a team is brewing 10 gallons and will divide the beer into two fermenters, which then will be taken home to ferment separately, each brewer is permitted (but not obligated) to use independent yeast strains. This may lead to some discussion on the team regarding what to brew based upon what the two members brought, but each of the brewers must state what yeast strain will be used prior to brewing. You are not required to pitch the yeast on-site, but be honest about what strain you will use at home. You may bring (and use) O2 or a fish pump for aeration.


Do not bring your own water.

You will receive Hilliard water is on the soft side of city waters (Alkalinity of ~54 mo/L).

Do not bring your own water.

Do not bring your own water.

What You Bring

Anything you need to brew. If you brew outside with a burner at your house then you’ll probably need to bring all that plus a table of some sort to drain your mash tun/kettle.

The gear you would need includes but isn’t limited to:

  • Burner
  • Kettle
  • Mash Tun
  • Hot Liquor Tun
  • Propane Tank
  • Spoons, buckets, bags
  • Fermentation Vessel (Carboy/Bucket)
  • Star San/PBW
  • Gloves
  • Refractometer/Hydrometer/Graduated Cylinder
  • Yeast (up to two strains per kit)
  • Aquarium Pump/Oxygen Stone/Oxygen
  • Hoses/Splitters for Chilling.
  • Grain mill.

What We Provide

  • A kit that brews a 5 gallon batch. Kit includes the malt, hops and special ingredient.
  • Water. Don’t bring your own water. If you bring it we will dump it out in front of you.
  • Pre-Chiller Setup

What is Verboten

    • Your own water. See a pattern?
    • Any ingredients other than what comes in the kit. This includes fining agents, and elements to alter water chemistry.


Swap Meet

Do you have equipment that’s gathering dust? Perhaps leftover parts from a brewery project that never took off? Are you looking to upgrade your own equipment or even start brewing yourself? Come on down to the SODZ swap meet for the opportunity to spring clean your setup!

All SODZ members and non-members are welcome (and encouraged) to attend!

Date/Time: Saturday March 30th, 2-5pm
Location: Actual Brewing Company (directions follow)
Beer: ABC will be providing some beer to sample, everyone is encouraged to bring their creations to share as well.
Food: SODZ will be providing some grilled up items, please bring a side to share.

Rules: Please fill out the RSVP form if you are attending, regardless of if you are bringing equipment. Please clean all equipment thoroughly before bringing it (this is taking place inside of an active brewery). Everything must be removed immediately from premises after the event. SODZ takes no responsibility for any monetary transactions, trading is encouraged. Please bring a folding table if you’ve got it for your equipment.

RSVP: Please fill out the following RSVP form:

Questions? Contact Mike Beargie at | 614-370-3577 or Don Croucher at | 614-309-9173

Directions to Actual Brewing Company:
655 N. James Rd
Columbus, Ohio 43219

Located off Stelzer road (access Stelzer southbound from 670/airport exits, or via 70/james road exit northbound) Turn east onto 7th ave. Turn left into the lot with the “airport plaza” sign. ABC is in the left hand of the two buildings. We may have dock door access from the back for larger equipment.

Call for Alefest 2013 Volunteers

The Columbus AleFest will be held at the Aladdin Temple (3850 Stelzer Road
Columbus, OH 43219), on Saturday, Feb. 2nd, from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM.   We have been asked to provide at least 4 people to assist with set-up, 50 people to pour during the event, and at least 8 people to assist with clean-up at the close of the event. Those who can setup need to plan to be there by 12:30pm and those willing to tear down should expect to be there till 7-8pm.  We can take more for each assignment, but we are asked to provide at least this many volunteers.  SODZ will benefit from the event, if we meet the requested staffing levels. Last year we did not, so this matters.

Anyone who has ever worked this event knows how much fun it is. SODZ will also have a table available to promote the club, if anyone would like to volunteer for that.

Please send questions to my personal email address,, not to the SODZ group site. If you have any questions.

Call for Winter Beerfest 2013 Volunteers

I want to formally announce volunteer registration for the Columbus Winter Beerfest, to be held at the Columbus convention Center on Friday, Jan.11th, and Saturday, Jan. 12th.

SODZ has once again been tasked to register volunteers for the event. The event will kick off each night at 6:30 PM for the VIP session, followed by the general session from 7:30 PM to 11:00 PM. Volunteers should check in starting at 5:00 PM at the volunteer registration adjacent to the entrance to the event. Volunteers will be given an event T-shirt, a meal voucher, and parking reimbursement up to $8.  This will be the largest event held to date, and I will need every SODZ member to consider working at this event. As in the past, SODZ will benefit directly from our efforts. You do not need to be a SODZ member, and family and friends can also volunteer.

If you have any questions, you can direct them to me at This event will need 200 volunteers, so check your calendar, and register soon. I need to have the final list of volunteers by Jan. 5th, so please register as soon as possible. I look forward to hearing from you.

Don Croucher
Volunteer Coordinator
for SODZ