Call for Alefest 2013 Volunteers

The Columbus AleFest will be held at the Aladdin Temple (3850 Stelzer Road
Columbus, OH 43219), on Saturday, Feb. 2nd, from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM.   We have been asked to provide at least 4 people to assist with set-up, 50 people to pour during the event, and at least 8 people to assist with clean-up at the close of the event. Those who can setup need to plan to be there by 12:30pm and those willing to tear down should expect to be there till 7-8pm.  We can take more for each assignment, but we are asked to provide at least this many volunteers.  SODZ will benefit from the event, if we meet the requested staffing levels. Last year we did not, so this matters.

Anyone who has ever worked this event knows how much fun it is. SODZ will also have a table available to promote the club, if anyone would like to volunteer for that.

Please send questions to my personal email address,, not to the SODZ group site. If you have any questions.