All posts by Administrator

Summer Picnic 2017

Summer Picnic time!

Who is Invited?

Anyone who is a paid member and their immediate family (Significant other Spouse and children).


Saturday, July 22nd 12:00 PM – 2:30 PM – Gun Range open for SODZ members
Saturday, July 22nd 2:30 PM Sunday July 23rd 1:00 PM – Picnic, etc.

If you plan to stay over night be sure you bring a tent or are ok with sleeping in your car.


Central Ohio Anglers and Hunters Club
9593 Roberts Rd
West Jefferson, OH 43162

Make sure you approach from Olmstead Road, to the Southwest of the club, not from Plain City-Georgesville Road. If you come the wrong way, you WILL NOT be able to get across the Little Darby Creek.

What to Bring

If you want to shoot, it’s BYOGun, there are no rentals. The club has a 30- yard pistol range, and a 100-yard rifle range. The ranges will be open for a few hours starting at noon, but that will only be for non-drinking members, until 2:30 when they will close and we can start the party. THERE WILL BE NO DRINKING AND SHOOTING AT THE SAME TIME.

Bring your beer, of course, we will have Jockey Boxes, so you can bring kegs, or bottles in coolers, or whatever you want.

As for food, the picnic is a pot luck. The club will provide a main course (and plates, cutlery, napkins, etc.), you will provide a side/desert and any beer you want to share. The location has a copious amounts of space to camp and hang out, a large building to escape the elements, and fire pits for the evening. It’s suggested that you bring any folding chairs, pop up shelters, bug spray, sun tan lotion, plenty of homebrew to share and anything else you require if you are a person who enjoys to sit outside, not on the ground and not in direct sun. If you choose to stay the night there will be a bonfire and much more socializing. In the morning we will do some cleanup and head home.

If you have lawn games, or outdoor activities, bring those too. There’s always demand for cornhole, but the club doesn’t own a set of boards, so it’s appreciated when members bring them to the picnic.

Iron Kettle Beers

Those who brewed beer at Iron Kettle will be bringing their beer to share and be judged. If you were at Iron Kettle an can’t make it then you will need to make arrangements to have someone else bring your beer.


I can’t stress this enough but if you even think you might be staying the night bring a tent or have the expectation that you will be sleeping in your car.

Sign Up

June Meeting


SODZ Monthly Meeting

This meeting will be a combination meeting with our friends in DOH


Monday, June 19th 2017


Restoration Brew Worx
25 N Sandusky St
Delaware, Ohio 43015


  • Officer Report
  • Restoration Brew Worx Talk

Club Competition

No Club Competition this month
Bring your beer for drinking, not for judging, this is a social meeting.

Iron Kettle 2017


Saturday June 10th, 9:00 am
You can come as early as 8:00 to set-up. Kits will be handed out at 9:00
Sign up ends June 6th.


Pigskin Brewing Company
81 Mill St. #150
Columbus, OH 43230


If you’ve seen Iron Chef, then you understand the premise: you will be given a special, secret ingredient that you must use, but how you use it is up to you. Each team will be given the same ingredients kit to review, decide on a style, formulate a recipe, and brew the beer. You need not use all ingredients but MUST use the special ingredient and be sure to showcase it.

Brewers will need to arrive a little before 9am to get set up. At 9am, kits will be passed out and you can start formulating a recipe based on your ingredients. If your team is brewing a 10 gallon batch then be sure to tell the Iron Kettle organizers so that they can be sure to have two kits for you.

Before brewing, each team must give a recipe sheet to the organizers. On it you will name your style, ingredients, hop schedule and any special notes. If you are splitting your batch and using different yeasts and/or dry hopping, list your intent for each of the beers in the notes. If you elect to deviate from your recipe while brewing, see the organizers to update your sheet. Brewers generally will take some time to review their ingredients and submit their recipes with the expectation that brewing will start by 10 or 11am.

This is a fun event to do in teams of two or more brewers. It’s also a chance for a brewer to introduce the hobby to someone who has shown interest in homebrewing.

Last of all rules are subject to change so don’t surprised if someone moved your cheese.

Beers will be judged at the summer picnic for bragging rights.


The kits will be all grain kits (no extract) and will include enough malt, hops and special ingredient to make a 5 gallon batch.


Please bring 2 yeast strains for each kit. If you are brewing with a partner you can have up to 2 kits and 4 yeast strains. If a team is brewing 10 gallons and will divide the beer into two fermenters, which then will be taken home to ferment separately, each brewer is permitted (but not obligated) to use independent yeast strains. This may lead to some discussion on the team regarding what to brew based upon what the two members brought, but each of the brewers must state what yeast strain will be used prior to brewing. You are not required to pitch the yeast on-site, but be honest about what strain you will use at home. You may bring (and use) O2 or a fish pump for aeration.


Do not bring your own water.

Do not bring your own water.

Do not bring your own water.

What You Bring

Anything you need to brew. If you brew outside with a burner at your house then you’ll probably need to bring all that plus a table of some sort to drain your mash tun/kettle.

The gear you would need includes but isn’t limited to:

  • Burner
  • Kettle
  • Mash Tun
  • Hot Liquor Tun
  • Propane Tank
  • Spoons, buckets, bags
  • Fermentation Vessel (Carboy/Bucket)
  • Star San/PBW
  • Gloves
  • Refractometer/Hydrometer/Graduated Cylinder
  • Yeast (up to two strains per kit)
  • Aquarium Pump/Oxygen Stone/Oxygen
  • Hoses/Splitters for Chilling.
  • Grain mill.

What We Provide

  • A kit that brews a 5 gallon batch. Kit includes the malt, hops and special ingredient.
  • Water. Don’t bring your own water. If you bring it we will dump it out in front of you.
  • Pre-Chiller Setup

What is Verboten

  • Your own water. See a pattern?
  • Any ingredients other than what comes in the kit. This includes fining agents, and elements to alter water chemistry.


Upcoming Events

Hey all, it’s a busy few weeks in the local beer scene and beer and homebrew world, so here are some reminders of upcoming events and deadlines.

Email us if you would like anything else posted, and have a great time with all the exciting beer events over the next few weeks!

May Meeting


SODZ Monthly Meeting


Monday, May 15th 2017


Elevator Brewing Company Taproom

165 N 4th St
Columbus, OH 43215


  • Officer reports
  • Elevator Brewery Talk
  • Electric Homebrewing & Automation (maybe)
  • Social hour

Club Competition

Fizzy Yellow Beers
Light Lagers, Pilsners, Light Hybrids, etc..

Winner will get a $25 gift card from a local homebrew store.

Bring your entries to the meeting and give to Gautam.

Big Brew 2017 – More details

So all the details for wort pickup remain the same. The only additional request is that you enter Brew Brothers from the door on the patio outside, not through the main entrance for the casino. I repeat – Do not enter through the main entrance for the casino

As for locations to brew – Club member Stephen Mabe has offered the parking lot of his business Ashville Apothecary for 20+ members, so that will be the main location. It’s about 10 minutes away from Brew Brothers, and he has plenty of room for everyone that wants to brew in a group, as usual. He has asked that club members park in the back, where there should be space for about 20 vehicles. The business out front will be open, so avoid parking in front so as not to disrupt regular customers.

Ashville Apothecary
3400 SR 752
Ashville, OH 43103

If you do not want to brew there, feel free to take your wort home, or organize something with other club members, several have offered to host a few people at their homes in the spreadsheet in the original post.

Also, please indicate your intent to brew wherever you are going in the spreadsheet so everyone can plan accordingly, including our gracious host Stephen.

See you Saturday!

Big Brew 2017


This year’s Big Brew is going to be a bit different than the past few years.  The rules will be a bit different this year. Brew Brothers will be providing wort for the IPA recipe posted on the big brew site. However, because of the rules at the Racino, we will not be able to brew on site, this will merely be a wort pickup, and you will need to transport it home, or to another location where you can setup your equipment. We are encouraging club members to volunteer to host people if they have the space, so we can have a few mini-big brew sites. To coordinate that, please sign up in this shared google spreadsheet, and leave contact info so that people can know where and when to join you if you can host.

You are welcome to show up as early as 7:30 if you want to hang out in the brewery while the wort is being made, Ryan has offered to let people see the process in action.

This event is not restricted to SODZ members and I encourage you to invite people who may be interested in the hobby.


Saturday May 6th
Wort will be available from approximately 9am – Noon (or until it runs out, we should have ~10 barrels available)
Doors open at 7:30 am if you want to hang out while the wort is being made


The Brew Brothers
6000 S. High St.,
Columbus, OH 43207


What We Provide

    1. Wort – Brew Brothers will be providing unhopped wort for the Rushmore IPA on the Big Brew site. The recipe can be found here.
    2. Water for chilling should be provided by your host site.

What You Provide

You will need to bring everything else. This includes but is not limited to:

    1. A vessel to transport wort in (a carboy, a bucket, a 55-gallon drum, etc.)
    2. Hops
    3. Kettle
    4. Burner
    5. Propane Tank
    6. Wort Chiller
    7. Hose Splitters
    8. Folding Chair(s)
    9. Pop Up Tent – If you want/need it:
    10. Sanitizer
    11. Food
    12. Etc, etc

Anything you need to brew at home you will need to bring with the exception of equipment used to create your wort.

Again please sign up in the google spreadhseet linked above if you intend to come so you can coordinate a site if you want to brew with others. You can also just take your wort home, but please still sign up so we can get an idea of how many people to expect.

April Meeting


SODZ Monthly Meeting


Monday, April 17th 2017


Sideswipe Brewing Company

2415 Scioto Harper Drive
Columbus, OH 43204


  • Officer reports
  • Off-flavor Tasting round 2
  • Social hour

Club Competition

Any beer over 40 IBUs.

Winner will get a $25 gift card from a local homebrew store.

Bring your entries to the meeting and give to Gautam.