Big Brew 2017


This year’s Big Brew is going to be a bit different than the past few years.  The rules will be a bit different this year. Brew Brothers will be providing wort for the IPA recipe posted on the big brew site. However, because of the rules at the Racino, we will not be able to brew on site, this will merely be a wort pickup, and you will need to transport it home, or to another location where you can setup your equipment. We are encouraging club members to volunteer to host people if they have the space, so we can have a few mini-big brew sites. To coordinate that, please sign up in this shared google spreadsheet, and leave contact info so that people can know where and when to join you if you can host.

You are welcome to show up as early as 7:30 if you want to hang out in the brewery while the wort is being made, Ryan has offered to let people see the process in action.

This event is not restricted to SODZ members and I encourage you to invite people who may be interested in the hobby.


Saturday May 6th
Wort will be available from approximately 9am – Noon (or until it runs out, we should have ~10 barrels available)
Doors open at 7:30 am if you want to hang out while the wort is being made


The Brew Brothers
6000 S. High St.,
Columbus, OH 43207


What We Provide

    1. Wort – Brew Brothers will be providing unhopped wort for the Rushmore IPA on the Big Brew site. The recipe can be found here.
    2. Water for chilling should be provided by your host site.

What You Provide

You will need to bring everything else. This includes but is not limited to:

    1. A vessel to transport wort in (a carboy, a bucket, a 55-gallon drum, etc.)
    2. Hops
    3. Kettle
    4. Burner
    5. Propane Tank
    6. Wort Chiller
    7. Hose Splitters
    8. Folding Chair(s)
    9. Pop Up Tent – If you want/need it:
    10. Sanitizer
    11. Food
    12. Etc, etc

Anything you need to brew at home you will need to bring with the exception of equipment used to create your wort.

Again please sign up in the google spreadhseet linked above if you intend to come so you can coordinate a site if you want to brew with others. You can also just take your wort home, but please still sign up so we can get an idea of how many people to expect.