2016 Lucci Cup

For those of you unfamiliar with the Lucci Cup, it is a competition within the greater British Beerfest competition. A club member throws out a style and a recipe and a separate prize is given to the winner of that category. The Lucci Cup is normally categorized by a high number of entries for style, bragging rights and copious amounts of trash talk. You do not have to use the recipe given below, it is just a suggestion.

This year the category is the new BJCP 2015 17A British Strong Ale. Guidelines here Below is Richard Sheppard’s challenge and rant.

Last year we had a British style that is no longer in the 2015 guidelines, so this year I chose one of the new styles, 17A British Strong Ale. Don’t know what that is? Well there is an app for that. Basically, it is an old ale that has hop character and isn’t old.

I know what your thinking, “I’m too busy trying to perfect my Strawberry Lime er Rita clone” or if your like Jeff Berry “I don’t brew anything above 1.045 because I’m scared of yeast starters.” Well this is a Big Boy Beer I can understand if your skeer’d. Especially, since I’ve pretty much dominated the Strong Ale category the last few years “1st BBF 2015 English Barleywine”, “1st Ohio State Fair 2015 American Barleywine”, “Best of Show BBF 2012 Old Ale”. Lucci Cup will be a nice addition to my trophies.

Anyway it’s a great competition, enter for feedback, enter because you think you can win, enter to support the club, enter because you got a score sheet back from me saying your “Beer Sucked” and you want to prove me wrong. Just enter. To make it interesting I’ll even bend the rules to allow you so called “pro-brewers” to enter and show what you’ve got. Frank Barickman, Brian Mathias. What’s up?

This recipe is from Brewing Network’s Can You Brew it show. Original podcast here

Fuller’s 1845 CYBI

British Strong Ale (17 A)

Type: All Grain
Batch Size:6.00 gal
Boil Time: 60 min
Efficiency: 70.00 %
Est Original Gravity: 1.064 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.017 SG
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 6.2 %
Bitterness: 45.5 IBUs
Est Color: 14.3 SRM

Amt Name Type # %/IBU
11 lbs 12.0 oz Pale Malt, Maris Otter (3.0 SRM) Grain 1 79.9 %
1 lbs 7.6 oz Amber Malt (24.0 SRM) Grain 2 10.0 %
1 lbs 7.6 oz Crystal, Dark (Simpsons) (80.0 SRM) Grain 3 10.0 %
2.12 oz Goldings, East Kent [5.00 %] – Boil 60.0 min Hop 4 37.2 IBUs
1.76 oz Goldings, East Kent [5.00 %] – Boil 15.0 min Hop 5 8.3 IBUs
1.0 pkg English Ale (White Labs WLP002 or Wyeast 1968 Yeast 6

Mash Profile

Name Description Step Temperature Step Time
Mash In Add 22.38 qt of water at 159.8 F 148.0 F 75 min


Pitch at 63F free rise to 68F

December 2015 Club Only Results

December Club Only ‘Tis the Season results:

  1. Brian Gallow, Xmas Ale
  2. Eric Johnson, Russian Imperial Stout
  3. Richard Sheppard, White Christmas IPA, Belgian Wheat IPA with cinnamon and ginger.

Brian is now tied with Steve Henry for first place in Brewer of the Year.

Here is Brian’s winning recipe:

Xmas Ale
7.5 gallons
OG 1.076
FG 1.017
IBU 29
Mash 1.3 qt/lb at 153

15 lbs pale 2 row
1.5 lbs cara 45
1.5 lbs pale wheat
6 ounces special roast
2 ounces roasted barley

2.25 ounces cascade 60 minutes
1.5 ounces cinnamon sticks 60 minutes
1.5 ounces peeled ginger root (peeled and chopped)
1 ounce hallertau 10 minutes
1 lb 14 ounces honey (0 min, after turning of burner)

wlp013 (3 liter started, decanted and pitched)

Spices are added at the beginning of the boil in a muslin bag and removed before chilling.
2.5 gallons will sit on bourbon soaked oak spirals for about a month or so.

2016 British Beerfest

SODZ’s British Beerfest homebrew competition is set for Saturday February 20th, 2016 at Seventh Son Brewery. All UK styles or inspired beers meads and ciders are welcome. Registration site is open at http://bbf.sodz.org/

Please fill out your entries and register to volunteer. Entry registration closes Saturday Feb 13th at 1pm.

I am pleased to announce that we will once again be hosted by Seventh Son Brewing and will be giving away a UK Brewing Supplies Cask Pin setup to the BOS winner!

I did cave and switched over to the 2015 guidelines for the comp but we will still accept any styles that have been accepted in the past. If you notice any errors or omissions please let me know at shielwj@gmail.com.

…and don’t forget about Lucci Cup



Beer for Boobs 2015 Results

Congratulations to Keith McFarlane for winning Best of Show at Beer for Boobs this year with a Dark Belgian Strong. SODZ members took home fourteen medals, Congratulations to everyone that placed. For full results go here: http://beerforboobs.sodz.org/

SODZ raised $1100 with the raffle for Beer for Boobs cancer research, full amount raised is still to be determined. Thank you to everyone that helped judge and made this possible. Special thanks to Sara Hagerty, Midwest Regional Representative who came down from Chicago for this event and gave a presentation on yeast health. Also, special , special thanks to Jay and Lori Wince of Weasel Boy for hosting and doing their own fundraiser.

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November 2015 Club Only Results

November Club Only Smoke and Roast results:

  1. Steve Henry, Russian Imperial Stout
  2. Gautam Bagchi, Chocolate Hazelnut Porter
  3. Brian Fowler, Uncle Vladimir’s Winter Warmer, RIS

Steve, jumped into the lead with this win for Brewer of the Year. There is currently a four way tie for second place.


Steve’s Recipe:


Type: All Grain
Batch Size: 5.50 gal
Boil Size: 6.89 gal
Boil Time: 60 min
End of Boil Vol: 6.24 gal
Final Bottling Vol: 5.50 gal
Fermentation: My Aging Profile
Date: 23 Nov 2015
Brewer: Steve Henry
Asst Brewer:
Equipment: My Equipment
Efficiency: 72.00 %
Est Mash Efficiency: 78.5 %
Taste Rating: 30.0
Taste Notes:
Amt Name Type # %/IBU
8.0 oz Barley, Flaked (1.7 SRM) Grain 0 0.0 %
8.0 oz Black (Patent) Malt (500.0 SRM) Grain 0 0.0 %
16.0 oz Brown Malt (65.0 SRM) Grain 0 0.0 %
16.0 oz Oats, Flaked (1.0 SRM) Grain 0 0.0 %
16.0 oz Special B Malt (180.0 SRM) Grain 0 0.0 %
1 lbs 16.0 oz Chocolate Malt (350.0 SRM) Grain 0 0.0 %
14 lbs 16.0 oz Pale Malt (2 Row) US (2.0 SRM) Grain 0 0.0 %
14 g Fuggle [4.50 %] – Boil 5.0 min Hop 0 0.0 IBUs
43 g Columbus/Tomahawk/Zeus (CTZ) [15.50 %] – Boil 60.0 min Hop 0 0.0 IBUs
0.70 ml Vanilla (Mexican extract) (Bottling 0.0 mins) Spice 0
2.00 oz Dark Cocoa Powder (Mash 15.0 mins) Spice 0
0.0 pkg Safale American (DCL/Fermentis #US-05) Yeast 0

Gravity, Alcohol Content and Color

Est Original Gravity: 1.095 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.022 SG
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 9.8 %
Bitterness: 55.6 IBUs
Est Color: 57.4 SRM
Measured Original Gravity: 1.092 SG
Measured Final Gravity: 1.020 SG
Actual Alcohol by Vol: 9.6 %
Calories: 320.4 kcal/12oz

Mash Profile

Mash Name: Single Infusion, Medium Body, Batch Sparge
Sparge Water: 1.78 gal
Sparge Temperature: 168.0 F
Adjust Temp for Equipment: FALSE
Total Grain Weight: 20 lbs 16.0 oz
Grain Temperature: 70.0 F
Tun Temperature: 72.0 F
Mash PH: 5.20
Mash Steps
Name Description Step Temperature Step Time
Mash In Add 26.25 qt of water at 120.0 F 153.0 F 60 min

Sparge: Fly sparge with 1.78 gal water at 168.0 F

Mash Notes: Simple single infusion mash for use with most modern well modified grains (about 95% of the time).

Carbonation and Storage

Carbonation Type: Keg
Pressure/Weight: 12.54 PSI
Keg/Bottling Temperature: 45.0 F
Fermentation: My Aging Profile
Volumes of CO2: 2.3
Carbonation Used: Keg with 12.54 PSI
Age for: 7.00 days
Storage Temperature: 65.0 F


Secondary for 6 weeks with whiskey soaked oak cubes

Kegged then bottle aged for 6 months

Created with BeerSmith

November 2015 Meeting Minutes

There were 24 brewers in attendance at Gordon Biersch restaurant on 10/16/2015.

  1. Will called the meeting to order.
  2. New Members introduced themselves.
  3. Bill Bopp gave a quick update on the Beer for Boobs competition. We had 329 entries and raised $1100 from the raffle. Total amount raised to find breast cancer is still pending. Special thanks to Sara Hagerty, White Labs regional representative for giving a presentation on yeast health.
  4. Gautam gave membership update. We have 170 paid members.
  5. Richard sent out a request for articles for the website.
  6. Ryan talked about the upcoming Christmas party. See post
  7. Jeff Lewis, two-time winner of Pilsner Urquell homebrew contest gave an extensive talk on Lagers.


Christmas Party 12/14, 7pm @ Lineage Brewing


Monday, December 14th 2015


2971 N High St
Columbus, OH 43202


There is no formal agenda. This meeting is a potluck where the club provides the main course and members provide a side or desert. Because the club is providing the main course this meeting is limited to those members in good standing and their +1.

Lineage, is closed to the public and just open for the club event. Lineage is offering Happy Hour prices until 9pm.

Please remember:

  1. Everyone must be 21, no exceptions.
  2. Drinking and driving is a serious and deadly felony. Make appropriate travel arrangements.

Dirty Santa

Dirty Santa is a gift exchange where you bring a large format (750ml or 22oz bomber) bottle of commercial beer and put it inside a gift bag. One person starts by taking a bag off the table that’s not theirs and this continues until everyone has a gift. Basically it’s a white elephant gift exchange but instead of gifting junk you are giving delicious craft beer. The only requirements for this are that you buy a quality beer and bring it concealed in a gift bag.

Club Competition

Christmas/Winter Speciality (21B), Belgian Specialty (16E), Wood Aged (22C), Speciality (23, convince us it’s Christmas).

November Meeting 10/16 7pm @ Gordon Biersch


SODZ Monthly Meeting


Monday, November 16th 2015


Gordon Biersch
401 N. Front Street
Columbus, OH 43215


Full menu


  • Officer Report
  • Lager Beers – Jeff Lewis

Club Competition

Smoke and Roast.
Dark Lagers (Category 4), Porters (Category 12), Stouts (Category 13), Belgian Specialty (16E; Must include roasted malts to be qualified), Smoke Flavored Beers (Category 22A and 22B)

Winner will get a $25 gift card from a local homebrew store.

Learn to Homebrew Day 2015


Learn to Homebrew Day was established by the American Homebrewers Association (AHA) in 1999 to encourage people to homebrew. The event involves homebrewers bringing their equipment to a location and brewing beer while people new to the hobby ask questions.  More information on the event and the history of it can be found here.

If you plan on brewing please be patient when it comes time to chill your beer as this can be a bottleneck at events like this.

What we Provide

  • Cold water for chilling.
  • A place to put your spent grains.
  • Good times.

What you Provide

You will need to bring all the equipment you need to have to brew this includes but is not limited too:

  • Kettles
  • Mash Tun (If you are an all grain brewer)
  • Lauter Tun (If you are a all grain brewer)
  • Burner
  • Propane
  • Primary fermentation vessel
  • Star San or other sanitation chemical
  • etc, etc, etc.


Saturday November 7th 2015
Start Time: 9am
Brewing Cut off Time: 10am (If you plan to brew start before 10am)


Ohio Taproom

1291 W 3rd Ave
Columbus, OH 43212

Brewing will occur on the patio.