Big Brew 2017


This year’s Big Brew is going to be a bit different than the past few years.  The rules will be a bit different this year. Brew Brothers will be providing wort for the IPA recipe posted on the big brew site. However, because of the rules at the Racino, we will not be able to brew on site, this will merely be a wort pickup, and you will need to transport it home, or to another location where you can setup your equipment. We are encouraging club members to volunteer to host people if they have the space, so we can have a few mini-big brew sites. To coordinate that, please sign up in this shared google spreadsheet, and leave contact info so that people can know where and when to join you if you can host.

You are welcome to show up as early as 7:30 if you want to hang out in the brewery while the wort is being made, Ryan has offered to let people see the process in action.

This event is not restricted to SODZ members and I encourage you to invite people who may be interested in the hobby.


Saturday May 6th
Wort will be available from approximately 9am – Noon (or until it runs out, we should have ~10 barrels available)
Doors open at 7:30 am if you want to hang out while the wort is being made


The Brew Brothers
6000 S. High St.,
Columbus, OH 43207


What We Provide

    1. Wort – Brew Brothers will be providing unhopped wort for the Rushmore IPA on the Big Brew site. The recipe can be found here.
    2. Water for chilling should be provided by your host site.

What You Provide

You will need to bring everything else. This includes but is not limited to:

    1. A vessel to transport wort in (a carboy, a bucket, a 55-gallon drum, etc.)
    2. Hops
    3. Kettle
    4. Burner
    5. Propane Tank
    6. Wort Chiller
    7. Hose Splitters
    8. Folding Chair(s)
    9. Pop Up Tent – If you want/need it:
    10. Sanitizer
    11. Food
    12. Etc, etc

Anything you need to brew at home you will need to bring with the exception of equipment used to create your wort.

Again please sign up in the google spreadhseet linked above if you intend to come so you can coordinate a site if you want to brew with others. You can also just take your wort home, but please still sign up so we can get an idea of how many people to expect.

April Meeting


SODZ Monthly Meeting


Monday, April 17th 2017


Sideswipe Brewing Company

2415 Scioto Harper Drive
Columbus, OH 43204


  • Officer reports
  • Off-flavor Tasting round 2
  • Social hour

Club Competition

Any beer over 40 IBUs.

Winner will get a $25 gift card from a local homebrew store.

Bring your entries to the meeting and give to Gautam.

March Meeting


SODZ Monthly Meeting


Monday, March 20th 2017


Grove City Brewing Company
3946 Broadway
Grove City, OH 43123


  • Officer Report
  • Malting Discussion with Rustic Brew Farms
  • Officer Elections

Club Competition

This is a wide open category where the only criteria is that you make a beer 4% ABV or less. While I realize “sessionable” is technically anything less than 5%, what’s the fun in that?

Winner will get a $25 gift card from a local homebrew store.

Bring your entries to the meeting and give to Gautam.

February Meeting


SODZ Monthly Meeting


Monday, February 20th 2017


Barleys Brewing Company
467 N. High Street
Columbus, OH 43215

We are meeting in the basement. Meter parking should be free for Presidents’ Day


  • Officer Report
  • Officer Nominations

Club Competition

British Invasion
In preparation for BBF this will be all styles British. This includes English Pale Ale, Scottish and Irish Ale, English Brown Ale, Porter, Stout (Everything but American Stout) and English IPA.

Winner will get a $25 gift card from a local homebrew store.

Bring your entries to the meeting and give to Gautam.

British Beerfest 2017


This is your British Beerfest Reminder! The competition is coming up this February, so if you plan to brew, the time is now!


Judging will take place Saturday, February 18th 2017
Entries are due Saturday, February 11th 2017


Because beer! But also because prizes!
This year’s best of show winner will once again receive a pin size (~5 gallon) cask, supplied by our sponsor UK Brewing Supplies, Ltd.
As part of their sponsorship, UK Brewing Supplies is also offering a 10% discount on all orders placed on their website if you use the coupon code “SODZBEERFEST” at checkout, from now until February 28th.
Seventh Son will also be choosing an Organizer’s Choice beer to be brewed on their system and released in their taproom.
You can see more info on the competition, including the accepted styles, deadlines and shipping locations for entries, and registration links and info at The BBF Competition Website. You can also use the competition website to register as a judge or steward. This is a BJCP sanctioned competition, so you will receive points toward your BJCP rank.

For any other info, please contact our competition organizer, club president Will Shiel at or by phone at (585) 281-3999.

January Meeting


SODZ Monthly Meeting


Monday, January 16th 2016


Mad Moon Cider
2138 Britains Ln
Columbus, OH 43224


  • Officer Report
  • Cider Making
  • Wild Yeast Discussion (potentially)

Club Competition

Beermageddon – Beers 8% ABV and bigger. This again is a wide open category where the only criteria is that your beer needs to be 8% ABV or more.

Lucci Cup 2017

By Richard Sheppard

Mr. President Will Shiel asked me to do the Lucci Cup again this year. I’m guessing since I am now undefeated in my Lucci Cup challenges he wants another crack at me. For those of you unfamiliar with the Lucci Cup, it is a competition within the greater British Beerfest competition. A club member throws out a style and a recipe and a separate prize is given to the winner of that category. The Lucci Cup is normally categorized by a high number of entries for style, bragging rights and copious amounts of trash talk. You do not have to use the recipe given below, it is just a suggestion.

Funny story I was entering beer score results into the computer for last year’s BBF when my English Strong Ale scoresheet came back with a respectable score, but obviously one they didn’t think would go on to mini best of show. About a half hour later the steward comes back and needs my scoresheet back. I’m like, “They have to be fucking with me!” Sure enough, the scoresheet comes back a second time with 1st place written on it. Anyway, since you struggled so much with last year’s Strong Ale, this year I’m throwing out a softball with British Golden Ale (12A).

The British Golden (12A) style is new to the BJCP 2015 guidelines, but first became popular in England in the 1980’s. It is a light, hoppy and refreshing style. Traditionally, it uses English ingredients, but can use citrusy American hops. I like to think of it as an English interpretation of an American bastardization of an English Pale Ale. Ryan Torres of Brew Brothers did a talk about a year ago on the style, you might want to hit him up for suggestions. Also, a little birdy told me that Lineage Brewing, just freshly tapped their version of a British Golden.

Below is the recipe I am using, it is loosely based on the recipe in Zymurgy March/April 2016 issue. So why only half Maris Otter? I want to keep an interesting malt backbone however, all Maris Otter is going to be too strong for this style. So why German Pilsner malt in a British ale??? Because, that is what I have laying around my house, smart ass! Feel free to use 50% 2 row instead of Pilsner or 100% English/American Pale Ale malt. I’m using the traditional English EKG along with UK Challenger. Challenger is one of those hops that judges always mistake for American hops on my scoresheet, so it should fit nice in this beer. This style should be drier than the standard bitter. I’m going with my favorite yeast WLP007 Dry English Yeast. Feel free to experiment but the standard WLP002 English Ale won’t attenuate far enough out. You can try using extract on this beer, just use the lightest extract you can find. No need looking for an English Pale Ale extract it will be too dark.


Golden Daytime Emmy

British Golden Ale (12 A)

Type: All Grain

Batch Size: 5.50 gal

Boil Time: 90 min

Brewer: Richard Sheppard

Equipment: Stainless Kegs (10 Gal/37.8 L) – All Grain

Efficiency: 78.00 %


Amt Name Type # %/IBU
5 lbs Pale Malt, Maris Otter (3.0 SRM) Grain 1 50.0 %
5 lbs Pilsner (2 Row) Ger (2.0 SRM) Grain 2 50.0 %
1 oz Challenger [6.80 %] – Boil 60.0 min Hop 3 25.8 IBUs
1 oz East Kent Goldings (EKG) [3.40 %] – Boil 60.0 min Hop 4 6.4 IBUs
1 oz East Kent Goldings (EKG) [3.40 %] – Boil 15.0 min Hop 5 3.4 IBUs
1 oz Challenger [6.80 %] – Boil 10.0 min Hop 6 5.2 IBUs
2 oz East Kent Goldings (EKG) [3.40 %] – Steep/Whirlpool 15.0 min Hop 7 5.6 IBUs
1.0 pkg Dry English Ale (White Labs #WLP007) [35.49 ml] Yeast 8

Gravity, Alcohol Content and Color

Est Original Gravity: 1.053 SG

Est Final Gravity: 1.010 SG

Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 5.6 %

Bitterness: 46.4 IBUs

Est Color: 3.8 SRM

Mash Profile


Name Description Step Temperature Step Time
Mash In Add 16.50 qt of water at 157.5 F 149.0 F 75 min
Mash Out Add 8.00 qt of water at 211.5 F 168.0 F 10 min

2016 SODZ Christmas Party


Monday, December 5th 2016


Lineage Brewing Company
2971 N High St
Columbus, OH 43202


There is no formal agenda. This meeting is a potluck where the club provides the main course and members provide a side or desert. Because the club is providing the main course this meeting is limited to those members in good standing and their +1.

Lineage, is closed to the public and just open for the club event.

Please remember:

  1. Everyone must be 21, no exceptions.
  2. Drinking and driving is a serious and deadly felony. Make appropriate travel arrangements.

Dirty Santa

Dirty Santa is a gift exchange where you bring a large format (750ml or 22oz bomber) bottle of commercial beer and put it inside a gift bag. One person starts by taking a bag off the table that’s not theirs and this continues until everyone has a gift. Basically it’s a white elephant gift exchange but instead of gifting junk you are giving delicious craft beer. The only requirements for this are that you buy a quality beer and bring it concealed in a gift bag.

Club Competition

Christmas/Winter Speciality (21B), Belgian Specialty (16E), Wood Aged (22C), Speciality (23, convince us it’s Christmas).

November Meeting


SODZ Monthly Meeting


Monday, November 21st 2016


Pigskin Brewing Company
81 Mill St #150
Columbus, OH 43230


  • Officer Report
  • Cicerone Program Discussion

Club Competition

Smoke and Roast – Dark Lagers, Porters, Stouts, Belgian Specialty (Must include roasted malts to be qualified), Smoke Flavored Beers

Learn to Homebrew Day 2016


Learn to Homebrew Day was established by the American Homebrewers Association (AHA) in 1999 to encourage people to homebrew. The event involves homebrewers bringing their equipment to a location and brewing beer while people new to the hobby ask questions.  More information on the event and the history of it can be found here.

If you plan on brewing please be patient when it comes time to chill your beer as this can be a bottleneck at events like this.

What we Provide

  • Cold water for chilling.
  • A place to put your spent grains.
  • Good times.

What you Provide

You will need to bring all the equipment you need to have to brew this includes but is not limited too:

  • Kettles
  • Mash Tun (If you are an all grain brewer)
  • Lauter Tun (If you are a all grain brewer)
  • Burner
  • Propane
  • Primary fermentation vessel
  • Star San or other sanitation chemical
  • etc, etc, etc.


Saturday November 5th 2016
Start Time: 9am
Brewing Cut off Time: 10am (If you plan to brew start before 10am)


Ohio Taproom

1291 W 3rd Ave
Columbus, OH 43212

Brewing will occur on the patio.